lol, so, I made some adjustments, but hopefully these will be my final adjustments.
I made it much clearer what the website is selling, and what talents I have. It's all right there in your face.
I took out "performer," because honestly, I'm not interesting in performing. I will, if I get tapped to do so, but I don't have any recordings of my up there anyway, so this point is irrelevant.
I put my strongest works first, and took out a crap song. I'm not really sure why I put Nature Death up there, it's dumb. But yeah, Ops Via first, to suck them in, then other tracks that are also good. Finish with the cheese song, as a bonus to you.
I adjusted the tables, so now EVERYTHING lines up vertically, properly. Even the music players!
I put headers over the two sections at the bottom, so it's more clear what's going on, and directs your attention a bit better.
I re-wrote the bio, taking out the year I graduated (since I haven't really graduated, yet, but you don't need to know that), and made it more concise.
I made the background web-safe. Now it's 1/4 the size, because, lol, it was like 2 MB before. Totally didn't notice that until I tried to load it on the school's shitty internet, and the background took like 30 seconds to load.
I still have 2 issues:
1.) The background still loads LAST. AFTER all the music players and text, and link icons. This looks really unprofessional if you have a slower connection.
I tried fixing this with some scripts, but I can't make them apply to a table background, which is what the entire page is based on.
For now, I'm just gonna have to leave it this way, unless I really want to rework everything in, like, DIV's or something, or chop up the background, but that could be really messy...
2.) I'm going to make a contact/affiliates page, where I'll list the people I've worked with, and other musicians I know (I'll link to your page if you link to mine). I can't get the mailing list php thing working right, but for now this is good enough. I'm taking a web design course next semester, so I'll figure it out then.
Thanks again for all the input, guys, I really think this is the best iteration of my website yet, and I couldn't have done it without your feedback.
And yes, an archive section will be coming later on, maybe next year, where I'll put everything back up in MIDI and other various forms.