Hello All!
I am developing a program called RMXP Pool (
www.rmxpool.webs.com). Basically, it's a bit like Scrive but you can download any type of resource for RPG Maker XP. This program is built up from people submitting resources they have made to be included in the database. Whoever uses the program can browse through this list of resources, view and download various resources directly through the program, without having to deal with other websites or fie hosting services. I desperately needing people to submit: (to be included in the program's database.)
-Background Music (BGM)
(Remember, you must have made these resources yourself!)
(Please, I desperately need resources to make this worthwhile)
A few Screens:
The New Redesigned Interface for RMXP Pool v0.1
What the list of scripts look like (lists for other resources will be similar)
When you submit your resources, you can set your own terms and conditions that
people must agree to before they can download your resource.
You can view screenshots of the program on the website (
www.rmxpool.webs.com). To submit resources, go onto the website and click 'Submit Your Resources'. Everything you need to know is there.
Demonstration Video:
Thankyou for anyone's support