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Help with Custom Sprites

Started by bluephoenix12, November 02, 2009, 11:56:54 PM

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Hi all, I have made a new sprite of my main character with a light glow around him as some kind of torchlight for a dark area, the problem is that RPGXP makes the 'solid' part (if you will) of the character the middle and lowest part of the sprite so the character seems to walk through things but is then stopped because the solid part (where he should be) has now hit the obstacle.

This is a really crud description but hopefully you can get the gist of what my issue is I will of course try to re-explain if it isn't clear!  ;8

Thanks in advance




Thats a good idea!

Lol here it is I have but a black square on the top left sprite, this seems to be where the characters 'solid' state is if you will.
The other two pictures are:
One is with the light actually on the Sprite that results in the above problem
The other is of the light on screen as a seperate event that sets itself to the characters X,Y position but as you can see does not actually focus on the sprite itself, also when trying this method the movement of the light is very choppy and I would prefer a smoother movement.

Thanks in advance



Displaying a picture over a sprite will center it if you knew how to center a circle in a composition...


Thanks for the idea and it kind of works, the only issue I have now is that it doesn't light up the area of the screen the 'torch light' shines on.
When it was an event I could put it onto 'add' and it slightly lit up the ground, even on 'add' the light as a picture doesn't do this.

Are there any other ways I can have this effect?

