Got a few more questions, related to the question, but i figured that I might as well ask them here instead of starting so many threads.
Well, basically the only language that I know how to program in is C. (Well very basic level or programming though). So if the questions that I ask looks very C'ish well we know why
1. Is there a way to declare global variables?
Currently what I'm doing is to create a common event to declare all global variables and to initialize some constants too.
2. Is there a way to use variables in a call common event?
What I'm intend to do is something like this. If variable == 1, start event 1, variable == 2 start event 2 and so on.
I know I can use conditional branches to create this, but its going to be very long. (Is there a switch(){ } command like C?
3. Function calls?
The only thing that I can find is call common events. Well, i can make it work but is there a way to pass a value directly into the other event?
What I'm doing now is to put the value to be passed into one of those variables that I've declared in my first common event page. Same thing for return values.
4. I've created a few states in the database manager.
But when I decide to inflict them on the player, they do not appear in the status page of the menu?
Well, that's all for now guys
I'm pretty new to rpgmaker and could do with these to help me start.