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legacy class change (not mine)

Started by phillip1756, October 18, 2009, 10:04:05 AM

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this script aint mine,so don't give me credit,all credit goes to legacyblade at

# Legacy Class Change by Legacyblade
# Version: 1.67
# Type: Class Changing Script
# Date 3-06-2009
#  This work is protected by the following license:
# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# #  
# #  Creative Commons - Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
# #  ( )
# #  
# #  You are free:
# #  
# #  to Share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work
# #  to Remix - to adapt the work
# #  
# #  Under the following conditions:
# #  
# #  Attribution. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the
# #  author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you
# #  or your use of the work).
# #  
# #  
# #  Share alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may
# #  distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to
# #  this one.
# #  
# #  - For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license
# #    terms of this work. The best way to do this is with a link to this web
# #    page.
# #  
# #  - Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the
# #    copyright holder.
# #  
# #  - Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author's moral rights.
# #  
# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compatibility:
# The script was coded to be 100% compatible with most, if not all scripts. I
# can't think of ANY script that wouldn't be compatible, but I will list those
# that I tested for compatibility.
# Blizz ABS is 100% compatible, and all other ABS scripts should be as well, due to how
# the class rank is added.
# CCoa's UMS is 100% compatible.
# The SDK 2.3 seemed to be compatible. Everything worked fine even with the SDK
# in the project.
# I'll keep testing scripts, and adding to this list.
# Incompatibility:
# No known incompatibility (if you run into an incompatibility, please tell me,
# so I can make a patch)
# Known Issues:
# none ^_^
# Features:
#   -> Define Special Classes that are unlocked for an actor only by a script
#      call (in case the player needs to pay for special training to unlock said
#      class).
#   -> Define how many times an actor must level up while using a certain
#      class/classes to unlock another class. (you can make the "Alchemist"
#      class require 3 levels as a mage, and 3 levels as a cleric). The system
#      is so versatile, that you can even require levels in Special Classes!
#   -> Define descriptions for each class that will be displayed in the class
#      change window. (supports multiple lines of description!)
#   -> Class Specific Skills. This allows you to set skills as class specific.
#      Class specific skills are only availible when an actor is a class that
#      the skill is specific to. You can even set a skill specific to multiple
#      classes (so the Paladin can use heal if he learned it as a cleric, so the
#      Gladiater can use "tackle" if he learned it as a lancer, etc.)
#   -> Linked Actor system. This allows you to define actors that, when they
#      change their class, change the class of actors that are "linked" to them.
#   -> Class Graphic system. You have the ability to cause both an actor's
#      charset AND their battler to change based on their current class.
#   -> Easily configurable settings that can affect every aspect of the system.
#   -> Completely lagfree!
#   -> Compatible with ANY CMS (provided you make a slight modification to
#      integrate the class change. This amounts to one line of code)
# Version History:
# For every minor update or bugfix, I will increase the version by .01
# For every new feature, I will increase the version be .1
# For every 10 feature updates, I will update the version by 1
# v1.00b:
#   -> Legacy Class Change released!
# v1.01b:
#   -> Fixed a bug in class selection, that would set the actor's class_id to the
#      index of the cursor, rather than the actual selected class_id.
# v1.02b:
#   -> Fixed a few miscellaneous lines of code that could, under certain circumstances, cause errors
# v1.10b:
#   -> Added the option to change an actor's graphic when the class changes.
# v1.11b:
#   -> Fixed a bug that kept the class list from scrolling
# v.1.20:
#   -> Left the beta stage.
#   -> Enhanced the level handeling. Now the skills are assigned based on class
#      level, rather than the actor's overall level.
# v.1.67:
#   -> Added the option to make multi-line descriptions! (no more trying to cram
#      the description into a single line!
#   -> Added the "linked actor" feature.
#   -> Added the "special classes" feature.
#   -> Added the Class Specific Skills feature.
#   -> Recoded the scene slightly to support any party size.
#   -> Changed when the Class List updates, for graphical nicety.
#   -> Increased compatibility with StormTronics CMS (by Blizzard). Now it only
#      takes a small edit to StorTronics to seamlessly integrate the Class Change
#      system. (I reworked the code so that there is an "on_cancel" method).
#   -> Optimized code
#   -> Fixed a slight bug with class descriptions.
#   -> Fixed a typo that would cause a player to level up when they're supposed
#      to level down.
#   -> Rewrote comments, and reordered code for readability.
# Planned Features:
#  -> Add the option to display classes that other members of the party have
#     learned, but the current actor has not. These locked, yet visible classes
#     would also show the required level of each class needed to unlock the class
#     rather than a class description. (almost finished, just needs some debugging)
# Useless facts:
# This was the first time I've ever successfully made a script. I learned a lot
# about everything I worked with, and can't wait to learn more about RGSS and
# programming in general. I hope you enjoy this, because it took a lot of effort
# Special Thanks:
#       - Blizzard for all his help. Without him, I couldn't have made it. Not
#         only did he help me fix the errors, he also gave me lectures on various
#         aspects of programming. This caused me to make LESS errors, and grow
#         in my programming skill. Thanks Blizz, this script wouldn't be here
#         today if you hadn't been there in that MIRC room, XD
#       - GubiD for when blizzard wasn't around in MIRC to answer my questions.
#         he helped me with a few errors that I had no idea how to fix (many of
#         them were some of the most n00bish errors too -_-). Thanks GubiD
#         couldn't have done it without ya!
#      - Sephirothtds for making TDS Class Change System incompatible with
#        the Blizz-ABS. If you'd made it compatible, I would have gone with your
#        script, and never figured out how to make one myself . Your script's
#        incompatibility with Blizz-ABS sparked my urge to learn to scrip. Thanks.
#       - Juan, who offered a few pointers.
#       - To all those who put up with me in the CP chat room when I'm ranting
#         about my newest error.
#       - To all the members of for nagging me enough to do my
#         administrative duty, which eventually cured me of my infamous laziness
#       - StarrodKirby86 for requesting the class graphic system, it made this
#         script have a feature not many class changing systems have.
#       - To the members of Chaos Project who offered feedback, and requested
#         features. Without your ideas, this would be a much simpler, more boring
#         system.
# Author Notes:
# PLEASE, make sure you've configured the script correctly before you report
# whatever error you're running into. IN PARTICULAR, check your class_requirements
# configuration. EVERYONE who's used the script reports an error that comes from
# an improper configuration of class_requirements.
# BUT, if you DO (or at least think you do) have correct configuration, and you
# run into a bug, PLEASE report it to me. Also, if you want a feature added,
# request it (preferably in the Legacy Class Change thread on,
# and I'll try to add it.

#                           START CONFIGURATION

module LBConf
# If this is set to true, then changing an actor's class will also change its
# graphic.

# Put the ID of classes you want as "Special Classes" in this array(seperate
# entries with a comma). Special Classes will be unselectable unless an actor
# "learns" the class. (this is done by executing the following script call)
#    $game_actors[actor_id].learn_special_class(class_id)
#                       or
#    $game_party.actors[position].learn_special_class(class_id)
# "position" refers to the position an actor is in the party. 0 is the first
# party member (the one you see walking around the map), 1 is the seccond, and
# so on.
# If an actor has a class specific skill, they will forget it when they change
# to a class that the skill is not specific to. They will, however, relearn the
# skill when they switch back to a class that the skill IS specific to.
# If you want to use class specific skills, you'll need to define which skills
# are specific to a certain class. Use the following format
#    when X then return[a,b,c...]
# where X is a class ID, and a,b,c (and whatever else you put in that array) are
# the IDs of skills you want to be specific to that class (remember to seperate
# them with commas). You can have skills specific to multiple classes (both the
# cleric, and the paladin can use "heal" if they've learned it.)
# If you don't want to use the class specific skill system, don't define any class
# specific skills.

 def self.class_spells(class_id)
   case class_id
   return []

# If you have CLASS_GRAPHIC_CHANGE set to true, you'll need to setup what graphic
# each class will need. use the following format
# when class_id then return 'text you want appended'
# an example (in this situation) is simpler than an explanation, so here you go
#    when 1 then return '_fighter'
# If the actor's charset is named "arshes" and battler is called "ArshesBattler",
# then when the actor is using class 1 (fighter by default), the charset will be
# named "arshes_fighter" and the battler will be named "ArshesBattler_fighter".
# if you don't want a class to have it's own graphic (or haven't made one yet),
# just don't define it below.

 def self.class_graphic(class_id)
   case class_id
   return ''

# This next section is where you define the description for each class.
# use the following template for each class
#    when class_id then return ['line1','line2','line3]
# Although you won't get an error if you have more than three lines of
# description, the window is only big enough to fit three lines. Also, if you
# can't think up a description for a class, don't define one, and the script
# will assign it the default class description. (a blank line by default)
# To change the default description (for whatever reason) look for return ['']
# near the bottom of this section.
 def self.class_descriptions(class_id)
   case class_id
     # if you want a default class description for those not defined, replace the
     # below array with a description like those above.
   return ['']

# This is where you set the requirement for each class. Use the following format
# when class_id then return [0,class1's required level,class2's required level,...]
# where class_id is the ID of the class that you want to have a requirement,
# 0 is a dummy entry, and"class1's required level, etc. are how many levels needed
# in that class to unlock the class
# ARRAY THAN CLASSES IN THE DATABASE (and the dummy 0 at the beginning, of course)\

 def self.class_requirements(class_id)
   case class_id
     #to make a class have no requirements (unlocked by default), just don't
     #define requirements for it.
   return [0]

# here is where you set up which actors are "linked". When an actor is "linked"
# to another actor, whenever the actor changes their class, the other's class
# will change to match it. Set it up in the following format.
# when X then return[a,b,c...]
# where X is the ID of the actor in question, and "a,b,c..." are the ID's
# of the actors linked to this actor, and are separated by commas. With this setup
# when actor X changes his class, it will also change actor a, b, and c's class.
# To make it so actor a changes the classes of the other actors, you'll have to
# set the link up for each actor involved. (if you want Arshes to be "linked" to
# his dark form, you'd do this.
# when 1 then return[2]
# when 2 then return[1]
# where 1 is the ID of Arshes, and 2 is the ID of Arshes' dark form.

   def self.linked_actors(actor_id)
     case actor_id
       #when 1 then return[2]
       #when 2 then return[1]
#uncomment the above lines to link Arshes and Basil
     return []

#                             END CONFIGURATION

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
 attr_accessor :class_levels
 attr_accessor :unlocked_class
 attr_accessor :unlocked_specials
 attr_accessor :learned_class_skills
 attr_accessor :character_name
 attr_accessor :default_charset_name
 attr_accessor :battler_name
 attr_accessor :default_battler_name
# modify the actor setup for Legacy Class Change
 alias class_rank_level_LB setup  
 def setup(actor_id)

# set up the initial default graphics (used by the graphic change system)
   @default_charset_name = @character_name
   @default_battler_name = @battler_name

# set up the class arrays used by the class changing system.
   @unlocked_class = []
   @unlocked_specials = []
# initialize the array that holds the class specific skills an actor has learned
   @learned_class_skills = []
# set up the class_levels
   @class_levels =$data_classes.size)    
   @class_levels.each_index {|i|
   if i == $data_actors[actor_id].class_id
     @class_levels[i] = 1
     @class_levels[i] = 0

# initialize unlocked classes.

# method used to check if an actor meets the requirements for a class, and if he
# does, it will unlock the class for that actor
 def unlock_class(class_id)
   if !@unlocked_class.include?(class_id)
     if !LBConf::SPECIAL_CLASS.include?(class_id)
       requirement = LBConf.class_requirements(class_id)
       result = true
       requirement.each_index {|i|
       if @class_levels[i] < requirement[i]
         result = false
       result = false
       if unlocked_specials.include?(class_id)
         result = true
     if result

# method used to unlock a special class for an actor.
 def learn_special_class(class_id)
   if !@unlocked_specials.include?(class_id)
# method used to lock a special class for an actor.  
  def forget_special_class(class_id)

# modifies how levelups are assigned, so as to add to a class' level upon level
# up.
 def exp=(exp)
   @exp = [[exp, 9999999].min, 0].max
   # Level up
   while @exp >= @exp_list[@level+1] && @exp_list[@level+1] > 0
     @level += 1
     @class_levels[class_id] += 1
   # modifies how skills are assigned, so that it's based on class level, rather
   # than overall level.
     $data_classes[@class_id].learnings.each {|j|
       if j.level == @class_levels[@class_id]
         if LBConf.class_spells(@class_id).include?(j.skill_id)
   # Level down
   while @exp < @exp_list[@level]
     @level -= 1
   # Correction if exceeding current max HP and max SP
   @hp = [@hp, self.maxhp].min
   @sp = [@sp, self.maxsp].min

# ** Class_Change_Scene
#  Here's where the actual Class Changing Scene code starts!
#  Without this, you would just have some useless additions to the default
#  system!!! That wouldn't be much of a script, would it?

class Class_Change_Scene
 def initialize
# update the unlocked_level array for each actor

#create the windows
   @actor_list =    
   @class_list =
   @class_description =
#set window focus to the actor list
   @actor_list.last_index = 0
   @actor_list.index = 0 = true
   @last_class = 0
 def main
   #enter the scene's loop
   loop do
     if $scene != self
   # dispose of the windows created in the scene
 def update
   # if focus is on the actor list, run the actor list's update method
   # if focus is on the class list, run the actor list's update method
# This is the update method that will run when the actor list is the active window
 def update_actor_list
   # When the player moves the cursor over a new actor in the party, change the
   # text in the class list to whatever classes the highlighted actor has
   # unlocked.
   if @actor_list.index != @actor_list.last_index
     @class_list.class_list = $game_party.actors[@actor_list.index].unlocked_class = $game_party.actors[@actor_list.index].id
     @actor_list.last_index = @actor_list.index
   # When the user presses the Cancel button, exit the entire menu
   if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
   # When the user presses the action button, activate the class list!
   if Input.trigger?(Input::C)

     #switch window focus to the class list = false
     @class_list.index = 0 = true
     #set the current class description, and draw the class description. = $game_party.actors[@actor_list.index].id = $game_party.actors[@actor_list.index].id
     @class_description.current_class = (@class_list.index + 1)
# This is the update method that will run when the class list is the active window
 def update_class_list
   # When the player moves the cursor over a new class in the list, change the
   # text in the description window to the description of whatever class is
   # highlighted.
   if @class_list.current_class != @last_class
     @last_class = @class_list.current_class
     @class_description.current_class = (@class_list.current_class)
   # When the user presses the Cancel button, return focus to the actor list
   if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
     @class_description.current_class = 0
     @class_list.index = 0
     @class_list.index = -1 = false = true
   # When the user presses the action button, change the actor's class and
   # and graphic, then return focus to the actor list.
   if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
     #change the actor's class
     actor_class_change(, @class_list.current_class)
     #refresh, and return focus to the actor list
     @class_description.current_class = 0
     @class_list.index = -1 = false = true  
# * Change graphic
# method used to change the actor's graphics due to a class change.
 def actor_graphics_change(actor_id)
   #change the actor's charset
   $game_actors[actor_id].character_name = ($game_actors[actor_id].default_charset_name +

   #change the actor's battler
   $game_actors[actor_id].battler_name = ($game_actors[actor_id].default_battler_name +

# * Change class
# method used to change the actor's class, and the class of those linked
# to the actor.
 def actor_class_change(actor_id, class_id)
   #setup which actors' class needs to be changed.
   changed_actors = LBConf.linked_actors(actor_id)
   changed_actors.push actor_id
   #memorize which class specific skills the actor has learned for the current
   #class, then make the actor forget them
   #change the actor(s) class.
   $game_actors[actorz].class_id = class_id
   #remember any class specific spells the actor has forgotten forthe class
   #they're changing to.
   if LBConf.class_spells($game_actors[actorz].class_id).include?(skill_id)
   #if graphic changing is enabled, change the actor's graphic.
   if LBConf::CLASS_GRAPHIC_CHANGE == true

# this is the method that is called to exit the menu. I did it this way for
# improved compatibility with StormTronics CMS (by Blizzard)
 def on_cancel
   $scene =

class Window_Actor_List < Window_Selectable
 attr_accessor :last_index
 def initialize
   super(160, 0, 480, 352)
   self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
   refresh = false
   @last_index = -1
   self.index = -1
 def top_row
   # Divide y-coordinate of window contents transfer origin by 1 row
   # height of 80
   return self.oy / 80
 def top_row=(row)
   # Multiply 1 corrected row height by 80 for y-coordinate of window contents
   # transfer origin
   self.oy = [[row, 0].max, row_max - 1].min * 80
 def page_row_max
   # Subtract a frame height of 32 from the window height, and divide it by
   # 1 row height of 80
   return (self.height - 32) / 80

 def refresh
   @item_max = $game_party.actors.size
   for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
     x = 64
     y = i * 80
     actor = $game_party.actors[i]
     draw_actor_graphic(actor, x - 40, y + 55)
     draw_actor_name(actor, x, y)
     draw_actor_level(actor, x + 144, y)
     self.contents.draw_text(x, y + 32, width - 32, 32, ($data_classes[$game_party.actors[i].class_id].name + ' rank: ' + $game_party.actors[i].class_levels[$game_party.actors[i].class_id].to_s))
 def update_cursor_rect
   # If cursor position is less than 0
   if @index < 0
   # Get current row
   row = @index / @column_max
   # If current row is before top row
   if row < self.top_row
     # Scroll so that current row becomes top row
     self.top_row = row
   # If current row is more to back than back row
   if row > self.top_row + (self.page_row_max - 1)
     # Scroll so that current row becomes back row
     self.top_row = row - (self.page_row_max - 1)
   # Calculate cursor width
   cursor_width = self.width / @column_max - 32
   # Calculate cursor coordinates
   x = @index % @column_max * (cursor_width + 32)
   y = @index / @column_max * 80 - self.oy
   # Update cursor rectangle
   self.cursor_rect.set(x, y, cursor_width, 80)

class Window_Class_List < Window_Selectable
 attr_accessor :actor
 attr_accessor :class_list
 attr_accessor :item_max
 attr_reader   :current_class
 def initialize
   super(0, 0, 160, 352)
   @actor = 1
   @class_list = $game_actors[@actor].unlocked_class
   @item_max = @class_list.length
   self.contents = - 32, @item_max * 32)
   @index = -1
   @active = false
   @current_class = 1
 def refresh
   @item_max = @class_list.size
   self.contents = - 32, @item_max * 32)
   i = 0
   self.contents.draw_text(10, i, width - 32, 32, $data_classes[class_id].name)
   i += 32 }
alias update_cursor_LB update_cursor_rect
 def update_cursor_rect
   if @index >= 0
     @current_class = @class_list[@index]

class Window_Class_Description < Window_Base

 attr_accessor :current_class
 attr_accessor :actor
 def initialize
   super(0, 352, 640, 128)
   @current_class = 0
   @actor = 0
   self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
 def refresh
 def draw_description(class_id)
   offset = 0
   description = LBConf.class_descriptions(class_id)
   self.contents.draw_text(0, (0 + offset *32), width - 32, 32, description[class_descrip])
   offset = offset + 1}

By Kraft


modern algebra

I put the code in tags for you. Otherwise, BBCode can mess up the content of the scripts. In any case, it looks like a nice script. I didn't know legacyblade scripted.


mmm - did you ok this with legacyblade before posting his scripts on other forums?  The recent comment about contributing back to the community did not mean taking other people's scripts and posting here.
Always remember you're unique.
Just like everybody else.


I've already PM'ed legacyblade on Chaos Project about this. I doubt he remembers me from my duration on CP, but I'm asking if he's okay with this being here on RMRK or not. If he is okay with it, fine; if not, the thread gets deleted.

modern algebra

Given the wording of the license, my guess is that he would be allowed to:

# #  You are free:
# #  
# #  to Share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work
# #  to Remix - to adapt the work
# #  
# #  Under the following conditions:
# #  
# #  Attribution. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the
# #  author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you
# #  or your use of the work).

If legacy doesn't want it here specifically, then we can remove it, but given the language of the license I don't see any reason to object to its being posted here without bothering the author. The license specifically grants people the right to distribute elsewhere without the express permission of the author. As for attribution, legacy doesn't specify a method for attribution, but I assume that accreditation in the post and leaving the header should be sufficient, both of which were done.

It is kind of strange that the language says "protected by the following license" since the license doesn't protect but actually forfeits some of the copyright on the script, but that's my own little quirk. Point is, with this type of license, there is no reason to ask the author of the script unless we have some reasonable suspicion that the author would object to it being posted here (as we do with Blizzard).

But I suppose it can't hurt to ask. But either way philip hasn't done anything wrong by posting it without asking.


Always remember you're unique.
Just like everybody else.


I'm well aware of that Modern, and as I've said in my PM I think it's legally okay for him to do this as long as he gives credit. I'm just not sure if legacyblade would appreciate someone like Phillip  representing his script on another forum without his consent (if you catch my drift), hence why I want to check if legacyblade is okay with this.

modern algebra


Yup, since he gave me credit, I'm totally fine with it. Hope you all enjoy the script.

Lazer Ki



Quote from: Cecil on October 18, 2009, 09:22:52 PM
someone like Phillip
dude,why did u type it as phillip as if he doesn't want me in a particular posting it?

By Kraft