So, ever since I was twelve (over half my life) I've drawn. Hell, couldn't get a sketchbook out of my hands most of the time.It was mostly just anime crap, but I really enjoyed it.
I haven't drawn anything substantial (not counting one commission) just for me in like...a year. I just lost the drive I guess. I'm not sure what triggered it, just that it wasn't fun anymore.
So, I kinda got the urge a couple days ago and started scribbling, I'm kinda liking it, I mean the act of drawing, so I think it's time to get back into the swing. One big problem though is now I'm looking back at my older stuff and unfinished things I used to be totally in love with and most of it looks like crap to me now. I'm kinda over the anime thing, so all these big heads and eyes and wonky body proportions are irking me. It's really obnoxious.
So, to my point, I need to practice digital coloring again as well as drawing, so I'm just gonna dredge one of these old unfinished things out and muck around to see if I can finish it, but they all have some weird quirk in them (I'll have to re-tweak a lotta these faces) and I can't decide which to ressurect. So, I need some other sets of eyes to suggest something, I'm posting the four least offensive.
So..opinions? which to color, which to burn?