Hello, What exactly I mean by "Conditional Choices..." ?
let me explain it
I need 2 new funcions about the Choices,
Fist, when I hovered a one of choice, that can use other Event Command before choice that choice.. for example = I have hovered choice number 1, that do nothing, I scoll for choice number 2 and Picture number 1 change to the other Picture
Second, I need choice appeard only when I get the right item/weapon/armor in Inventory/Equiped... for example = (without item 1(sword) & 2(axe), choices appears) I cant fight him! / Run, (with item 1(sword) & 2(axe), choices appears) I cant fight him! / I can use my Sword / I smash him with m3h AXE! / Run
Hope someone knows what I mean by that >_>
And realy that will be helped when it be compatible with modern algebra's Advance Text System.