Welcome to the somewhat new "In The News" forum, where we can talk about anything and everything that goes on in the world. As the description says, this forum is for links and discussions about current events - serious, silly, political, strange - anything worth discussing, as long as it's newsworthy and somewhat current. You can pull up articles and talk about anything from the Italian prime minister pissing people off, to the recent fatal beating of a Chicagoan student, to the World Cup results, to even just general oddities like Jedis being thrown out of grocery stores. At times it'll be a mature discussion, and other times it'll just be pure entertainment.
Just a few quick ground rules to lay:
- 1. If you are posting some bit of news that you just found, you MUST provide a link to the source where you found this information at. We gotta make sure you're not bullshiting us. That said, this is not a place for you to dump stuff that you saw first hand in your daily lives, leave that to the professional journalists and actual news sites. Use only existing news articles.
- 2. If you are posting an image or video that may be a bit graphic, you must keep it in a spoiler marked with a warning about its contents. I've already brought several adults close to losing their lunches before when presenting graphic pictures of casualties in the war, so I'd rather not have people be disturbed by what they see unless they willingly decide to bring it upon themself.
- 3. People are allowed their own opinions of things. If you don't agree with it, that's okay, but let's try not to turn it into a debate. If you feel strongly about it and want to continue, feel free to start a topic in the debate forum about it, but keep this section just a general discussion free of arguments.
- 4. The news here has to be somewhat current. While a bombing in 2007 is tragic and holds dear memories for some, let's try to stick to more contemporary things that are at least less than two months old. The point of "News" is that its new and constantly changing. Feel free to go back and state your opinion on things and topics that have happened in the past if it's not necroposting, but please don't go starting new threads with news articles from last January or so.
Other than that, this forum is open for news and events from all countries, big stories or small. :3