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Event System Tutorial: SEMS (UPDATED)

Started by Miles Castea, September 11, 2009, 04:28:17 AM

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Miles Castea

(SEMS stands for SimpleEventedMenu System.)
Intro: Hallo, I am Spike the Echidna, but you may call me Miles or Dylan. I am here to show you how to make a simple evented menu in RPG Maker X-P.
Prep Work: Now, before we start doing this, you must make sure you have: A registered copy of RPGMXP and you'll need to download these images as they are needed for this event system, and if you don't understand something; you can use the right click function and select "What's This?", or do the same with the "?" tab next to a window's exit button. and import them into the proper folders using "Tools">"Materialbase" (F11).
Demo: Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 (Note, Link 3 is a direct download)

Step 1: The Common Event For The menu system teleport
Go into the "Database" (Tools>Database), and go to the "Common Events" tab. Name the first common event something like "Menu", and set the trigger to "None". In the event box, click it; and look for the button that says "Show Text..." on the first page, and click it; and put in something like "Would ya like to go to da menu?"; and hit ok. (When ever I say "then Q it" after something, means to click the "Ok" button) Next, repeat that operation, but instead on the same page select "Show Choices" and then Q it.
In the "Yes" branch, click it and go to the second page of events, and select the "Change Screen Color Tone..."; and set RGB to -255, and set the frame wait to 4. Repeat the operation, but instead on the first page, select "Wait"; and set it to 5 frames. Next, after that, go to the third event page, and click "Change Actor Graphic...", and change Aluxes or whatever you named the damn fool to the cursor character set. Then on the first page, add a Change Menu Access (Disable); and use the "Transfer Player..." on the second page to teleport them to the menu map (but instead, use variables to memorize map ID, player position X, and player position Y before you do it), which we will talk about later! Also add a "Memorize BGM/BGS" (on second page), and a speed/frequency change if you like, which can be found in "Set Move Route" on the second page. Finally, do a "Change Screen Color Tone..." with RGB 0,0,0 and 5 frames wait. Wala, you made the menu tele common event!

Step 2: The tele NPC
Make sure you made the menu map first, if not; skip to the next step. Go to the default map, and switch to the "Event" layer (fourth layer). Next, click a tile on the map, and let's start working!  In the event box, put in a "Call Common Event", and there you have it. But, make sure you have set a graphic for the event.

Step 3: The Menu Itself
Next, go back into the "Database", and go to the "Tilesets" tab; and copy/paste a map into a new slot. Edit the autotile section of the map (left side or middle side...whatever...) and change one of the autotiles to the menu autotile I provided. Change it's passability to O, and change a blank tile's passability (any blank tile except for the blank autotile, the left and right ones! DO NOT CHANGE THEIR PASSABILITY, THAT WILL PREVENT THE CHARACTER FROM MOVING) to X. Click "Apply", and exit to create the second map. Hit the Insert key or right click a map or folder, and select "New Map..." (if you need to edit the map's properties, hit Space while highlighting the map), and set the map tileset to the one you made earlier in this step. Map it like this. Next, create a new event. You could possibly use the "X" character and put it into the right top corner, or use the whole EXIT character set like "E X I T"; so it's up to you! Next, in the event box; click it and add "Are you sure you want to leave the menu?" as text; and then add a "Show Choices" one after it. In the "Yes" branch, add the little snippet of code you used in the tele in the "Yes" branch, but reverse the Disable Menu Access, and change Aluxe's character and battler back to default; and don't forgot to set the correct teleport point, but instead use the MAP ID/X Position/Y Positions you assigned earlier. Tada, you made a simple evented menu system! Go ahead and try it!

Outro: Now that you made your menu, it can be used for a variety of purposes such as a cooking/crafting system or a simple equipping system. Good luck with your future projects!

Current Project:
Altaria: Deus ex Machina (in progress)