Hey all. Fox here. I'm pleased to annouce that my site,
www.deadwaterproductions.com, has been released. Hardly anyone over here knows what my site is, so let me fill you in. This is a site for all our (DeadWater Productions) games, mainly Last Man's Stand and Reunion, and for you to post your own stuff for comments, critisism, help, or just for fun. It'll be kept up to date with brand new info and screens, and also new resources and tutorials for your own projects. You are free to request resources, post your own projects and resources, start your own discussions etc. It's a combination of our games discussion, and an RMXP/VX support and discussion site.
We are also looking for moderators. If you fancy being one, come over to the site and read how you could get the job. So, come and join us over on our new site, and help us grow.