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[RESOLVED] Need help fixing a small jumping problem

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Rep: +0/-0Level 83
Is there a way to make it impossible to jump over autotiles but still be able to jump over other objects? I have it so that the player can jump anywhere from 1-3 spaces anytime but in a lot of areas this makes it possible to jump over the autotile walls and skip through a lot of the game. I know I can just extend the walls to the point where the jump will not work but it really screws up the look of each area if everything's stretched out. I've been editing the tilesets and looking over the original script to find a way to make those types of jumps impossible while still allowing the player to jump over gaps, water and objects but at the moment I don't see how without eliminating the jumping common event altogether.

In case it helps, this is the basic structure of the jumping event.
-conditional branch requiring the items that allows jumping to be in inventory.
--2nd conditional branch requiring the S key to be pressed.
---3rd branch requiring the player to face (for example purposes) up
----Choice asking how many spaces to jump (1, 2 or 3)
-----Player jumps up by the amount of spaces selected. The ignore if not possible box is checked.

The box only affects where the player lands but not what's in the way. That's why extending the walls would work but that's a last resort.

Any help would be appreciated.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2009, 12:48:10 AM by Ocelot0222 »

Rep: +0/-0Level 83
That'll work. Thanks.