.....I really REALLY hate this thing. I'm going to try and fix this before I even MOVE forward with the story or whatnot.....seriously, if anyone, ANYONE, knows how to work a decent EXP Curve chart for this, do let me know! I'm trying to set it up kinda FF7 styled (I even took some notes on how EXP changes level to level from the game itself....). Example being this:
Level 7: 616 (total); 307 (to level up)
Level 8: 949 (total); 435 (to level up)
Level 9: 1384 (total); 550 (to level up)
Level 10: 1934 (total);
Level 54: 377, 677 (total); 21, 568 (to level up)
Level 55: 399, 245 (total); 22, 385 (to level up)
Level 56: 421,630 (total);
With the (total) being the total amount of EXP he'd have at that Level, and the 2nd being how much EXP be needed to level up to the next level. Now, I've tried to simulate this, but I can't even get it to simulate it at all. Stupid EXP chart >_< I have a feeling that I can't simulate this style at all for whatever reason (since I can't get both total and needed EXP to match up like it would be above....usually one side will match up perfectly, but the other side is completely off, and I KNOW that I HAVE to use the Secondary function in order to do the level up differences, right??)