Heyo everyone, Redwyn here with a little showoff here.
Awhile back, I found out about a Pixeling contest from BYOND for
http://opengameart.org/The contest was apparantly to create modifications, hair, poses, accessories, etc for a custom base someone had made in around a month or two. 1st place winner gets $100, while 2nd place winner gets 50.
I didn't learn about this contest until the last month and I procrastinated like shit. [Mainly my main problem for this was that I had so many ideas what to make for the base that I didn't choose one until like... The last minute.]
I decided to take my chance at it, and here's the result.
http://opengameart.org/content/june-july-2009-pixel-art-contest-resultsI'm just surprised I made it to 4th place and got an honorable mention...[Even though I did the sprites in like a couple of hours on the last day and didn't complete everything >///////>.... Plus, I didn't learn that they pushed the submission date back by two days so I didn't get the chance to finish what I didn't complete v_v]
This is what bites me in the ass for being lazy, BUT! I'm slowly breaking my laziness X]
If anyone wants to download the rar containing the sprites I did to see everything I made and didn't finish, here's the link:
http://opengameart.org/content/pixel-art-contest-entry-gentleman-side-steampunkP.S. I'm pissed off at myself for doing this at the last minute, if I recieved Fourth place by doing that much in just a few hours, think I would have done with the half month or full month period I dicked around on :\
P.S.S. It also pisses me off when people don't say anything about my sprites [CoughcoughcloudspriteXPforshoushiwhodidn'teventhankme<_<coughcough] and don't tell me what I can do to improve them, the people here did so and I was told what I could have fixed. I crave criticism and the sort because it helps me learn better and helps me become a better spriter.
Even if it tears my ass a new one, it'll help me.
Here's a little story time XP
Back in 2007 when I was a relatively shitty spriter, I made a suit on what I believe to be a base made for a BYOND game back then, and one of my close online friends who I've known nearly ever since I've been on the internet just flat out said:
"Quit spriting, this work is a piece of shit and you will never ever be a good spriter, find another hobby."
That was basically what he said, I can't remember fully but that's the gist of it.
That pissed me off very majorly, even though what he said about the sprite was true. It was a shitty mess XD
But ever since I've become good at spriting, I've secretly thanked him in my mind - because when he told me I would never be a good spriter and it was the only thing I felt I was good at even then, I strove very, very hard to prove that mother fucker wrong and I think I have so far XD
Semi-long story short, if I post a spritesheet or sprite and if it's not up to snuff to be good, please tell me even if you think it will hurt my feelings, because I strive to be good at the only thing that I believe I'm not worthless for.