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(request) sora-keyblade

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Level 83
okie this is major to me i have been trying to find a way to add a key blade to a sora charset for some while but you see if i want to i have to use layers on paint.net but when i go to save it it well is not a bitmat file so im asking this as a big favor can someone add this keyblade to this sora charset the sora charset can be found at http://uirpg.com/gallery.php

Level 97
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What do you mean it's not a bitmap file?

You can just select png or bmp and it will flatten the image.

Level 83
well u see the only way i could add the keyblade is layer it and when i do that it makes it another type file that the RPG maker will not use im not all techy and stuff but i know a bit so ..............im not sure how to change it

Level 96
2013 Best ArtistParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Game Creator (Non-RM Programs)~Bronze - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for December 2009Project of the Month winner for August 20082011 Best Game Creator (Non RM)Gold - GIAW Halloween
no offense, but if you're unsure how to save an image as a png I don't know how far you'll get with rpg maker.

also: try save as, I think that's what you're looking for.  choose png from the drop down list under the name box and you should be able to select the file format you want.

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Level 83
you know what i found my problem i had to down merge everytime i made a new layer

Level 83
ok guys its not turning out how i imagined so im just gona giv up on this sora unless someone could do it for me wich i sound greedy if i say that so um grafical do you think you could plz delet this post i think id stick with battle grounds okie ty

Resource Artist
Level 94
Project of the Month winner for June 2009

Level 83
lol sorry about my grammar i type fast and usually  dont pay attention how i type it but um but what i said was i was giving up momentarily and that i was better on the battle back grounds i made and now my Sora with key blade is almost complete all i have to do is find a grid for larger sprites in a RMXP format.............

O and later if sora does good i will attempt roxas, rikku, micky um ok   o and could u help me to i been googling a while to find one of thos big sprite sheets the one with the grid on it for RMXP if you could find me one it would speed up thee process of me getting this charset out so everyone can get it

Level 83
ok grafical i want you to be the first besides me to test it just so you know its not perfect it could use alot of adjustments but in all i think i did good for a beginner spriter

Resource Artist
Level 94
Project of the Month winner for June 2009
This doesn't particularly make you spriter so much as just being able to edit some things or combine an existing sprite sheet with a sword. I'm certain that if the test runs smoothly for you that it would for others as well.

Level 83
um well to be honest i do actuly sprite originally for runescape private servers but this wasn't only combining it was crafting that keyblade by hand a lil by lil enhancing the color better shading it wasnt easy i think i should get a lil more credit than that o and just so you know its not the sora edit does have flaws that are really easy to tell the reason i wanted you to test it so you could kinda explain what i did wrong

Level 83
"You come, You go, but first you lose an arm"
hey i like it, i think you did an awsome job on sora
-=Renegade has come=- so has your death

Level 83