Here's some none attacking criticism, if your still here. I would use a Ten rating system but since this game was made to obviously be for the lolz or to test something out or improve a little thing, I'm halving it.
Graphics [3/5]
Your maps are decent. I of course haven't mapped anything much myself and I need to take tutorials on it, but it looked decent. RTP = lolz, and that's about it. I gave a 3 to this because I was actually amazed at the decent mapping skills. You have room to improve on this.
Sound [Not even bothering]
Story [0/5 being serious, 2/5 for any lolz]
It was cute and random for all the noobish speak and the random forum names and shit, so I'll give you a two? I guess? Also, take some time, not like OMG I HAVE TO GIVE UP EVERYTHING ELSE TO STUDY THIS to fix your grammar, if your going for lolzy, don't put serious grammar as much as you did with a few typos. Hopefully you'll check and fix your grammar on your actual, serious game.
Enjoyment [LOLZ]
Now, as you said, this game was crap because you know it is crap and you made it to be shit. But, the mapping is pretty decent so that's a plus side. The only problem I have with you is your attitude, so here's my advice.
If you do shitty, random, I'm bored lolz game, and someone replies to the topic degrading it, just ignore it. Why do you give a fuck when you didn't give a fuck putting much effort in to the game?
And if someone says; "lol why did you post this here it's probably the worst piece of shit on the planet LOL" just either A] Don't reply back, or B] Reply back just agreeing and that's it, no "witty" comebacks. Either way, your posting a shitty game you know sucks so your going to ripped for it but you should just not care or reply back when the game itself is not worth getting bad rep, which is... well, almost too late.
You have a chance to redeem yourself with your serious project, if you actually have one and are wanting to post it when you feel like it's ready, be sure to take some time setting up the topic to be presentable if you want people to play your serious game.
By the way, I might forget this since I'm majorly fucking tired. I guess I'm mello, so if anyone agrees/disagrees with what I said, I'll probably forget anyways unless I look back. X3
I kinda look forward to seeing what you can do, serious wise.