Stop being such a dick Irock. The Post Your Picture thread should be a comfortable place to post your picture, not one where you get mocked by some pissant teenager.
I'd laugh my ass off if someone called me a shitty video game character someone designed in a mediocre character creator. How could anyone POSSIBLY be offended by that?
Don't act like nobody has insulted someone's appearance in this thread. Nobody says anything when when someone says "hurr hurr Irock has a big mouth" or "hurr hurr Irock has long hair". I personally don't give a shit if people do, which is why I don't really respond to those remarks, because I know people are just dicking around and having fun. The very fact that a a ton of people responded is hilarious.
M00s is a big boy; he doesn't need you all to protect him from big mean Irock.