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(Request) Tileset Combination help

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Level 84
I would like some help combining two tilesets for me. I do not know how to do so myself and when I try to just use paint everything gets messed up. So can someone please combine these too for. I appreciate the help.
When The dust clears I shall be the sole survivor

Level 102
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This should work. I didn't test it.

Level 84
I appreciate the help but I just tested it and for the most part it works except the floor pieces, any tiles that you use as flooring leave back or white lines now that didnt use to happen. Is there anyway to fix that. thanks
When The dust clears I shall be the sole survivor

Level 84
ok thanks it works great

Was wondering if someone can add something to it for me.
When The dust clears I shall be the sole survivor

Revolution is not a bed of roses.
Level 91
Project of the Month winner for July 2009
There are tutorials for this. You can easily do it yourself by downloading a decent free image program.

Level 84
That may be true but it is very hard for me to see things because I have about 75% functional vision depending on the source of light. So I can not see what I am really doing this is why I do not do these things myself and ask people for help hoping that someone will do it just to help someone out. Cant even see what I am really typing have to rely on a speech program to tell me all of what I am typing
When The dust clears I shall be the sole survivor

Resource Artist
Level 94
Project of the Month winner for June 2009
There are tutorials for this. You can easily do it yourself by downloading a decent free image program.

or MSpaint lol

Revolution is not a bed of roses.
Level 91
Project of the Month winner for July 2009
That sucks.

If you want to combine a bunch, search around for an ultimate fused tileset or something like that. I know someone fused all RMXP tilesets into one.

Level 84
Ive searched around at fused tilesets but the ones I found do not contain all the pieces of the tileset I have been adding to. normally It wouldnt bother me except for its missing the pieces I have been using. So I guess its back to this. Can someone please combine the tilesets posted in my last post that contained attachments. Thanks.
When The dust clears I shall be the sole survivor