Bit of a revival. Some new information that I heard. Sometime in 2012 there's a scheduled super solar storm. There was one back in like...the 1850's that they called the 'Perfect Solar Storm' but apparently this one has been long coming and due to be intense. In the 1850's it didn't matter worth a shit since the only technology affected by it was the telegraph. You can see where this is going, so if half the world loses all electric power, I suppose we're fucked in a way. Not really the end of the world, but surely fucked hard for a long time and it'd be a long time before we recover from it. It's not an end of the world theory like epic explosions and shit, but more like we'd go back into the dark ages instantly and people all over the world would bitch and cry like a fucking baby and that's why it would suck. World wide EMP blast. BOOOSHHH. lol.'s to hoping
India China and Russia get hit with that...and all of europe.
Those people stink So we can get their coffee.
And I recall hearing about a rather large solar storm five years ago on halloween or something that did absolutely nothing. Who knows, maybe we'll end up like the Fantastic Four.
Anyhow I think I agree with everything I skimmed over of Holk's posts. The calender is like a circle correct? And when it ends it just loops again IIRC. But I can't take this too seriously, I've lived through many a total annihilation scenarios and about 99% of which we never hear about for some reason or another. Methinks I'll survive 2012 just like I did the numerous solar flares that could've poked through and wiped us clean, Y2K, 06/06/06 and whatever other none-sense.
2012 looks very sub-par, it looks like independence day had a bastard child with the day after tomorrow (nothing to similar about them...all about specific dates or being made by the smae guy...
My perfect doomsday scenario would be Chew-Z. about yours?
EDIT wow I wrote game instead of guy.