I've been looking all over, but my google-fu has failed me. I use RPGmaker, not to make proper RPG's, but to make maps used in my play by post tabletop RPG type games.
We're going into a rather dungeon-centric portion of the campaign, and I find myself needing a dungeon-centric tileset that is very simple to set up. The Dragon Warrior/Quest games with the buildings made as a part of the town, rather than on their own map, are essentially perfect for this. I think the only 16 bit colored games to do this were the Dragon Quest Remix and Dragon Quest 5. 6's dungeon tilesets might work, but I don't remember much about the game.
I've been unable to find any specifically DQ tilesets in the 16 bit colorization, except two, and those two aren't working. They show up as pure black, likely due to the RGB nature, but making them have a set palette turns the water purple and makes it impossible to layer, likely a transparency issue that's beyond my capability to correct.
So I'm asking here if anyone has some DQ tilesets, or a simplistic dungeon tileset type that won't be too complex to use, but that has a lot of 'detail' type items, thrones, gravestones, statues, etc, that will make a rather interesting visual for my players in my tabletop RPG.