Cobalt, try setting this up as a common event, and set to parallel process and call on a switch. rm2k3 can be screwy with events for setups like this if you don't set some kind of movement setting to help the PP work, even that can be screwy.
Also, using the pan function can be a pain in the arse,
also, you can have so much fun with con branches, if switch "make this work"is on then do this(move event/hero) other wise (if not) do should be able to set this to PP as an event and it may take some tweaking but you can probably get it to work.
so, if you try a common event to happen on a switch to call it to a pp, when he sits down in the chair have it set to that switch and have it on collison or touched by hero, below him. have the common event lock hero pos and then do your pan stuff, play your msg, then show your cut scene and when it's done un lock hero pos and remember to have another switch to turn on to turn off the common event that was called(the cut scene stuff) to a blank common event.(that should end any looping )
sorry for the lengthy post. after rereading your post over and over, i think you can just solve your problem by having another switch turn on after everything is done to a blank common event. Or just turn the cut scene switch off at the end of the cut scene.
hope this helps, if not post a screen shot of what your talking about.
good luck