Yes I know there is a way to drop/add a party member...
but that's not exactly what I had in mind...
I want a system where you have a standard 4 party members plus those who will not appear in battle. you should be able to switch them out. but you can only have 4 members in battle at a time.
however I want one member that never appears in battle and cannot be added to the battle members list. this member is different as he/she will appear in a different box than both active and inactive members.
You may only have one temporary member at a time and he/she will have their own special ability.
An example of an ability would be healing a little every step you take like 1-2 HP
some of these members may also be able to participate in battle to some degree. like occasional healing after a set amount of turns. or upping the party's Defense power.
they each should have their own switch and variable and the switch will always be on while you have these party members this would increase the effect it would have on the game.
Yes I checked Google and I really doubt anyone thought of it so...
also could you make it so these temporary members caterpillar please.
Just the temporary members caterpillar.