Of course, the title is a little explanatory but I'll expand.
I know that one of my reasons for my drift away from RMRK was an eventual weakening of interest in RPG making as other hobbies grew in sophistication and potential fun. Of course, this forum isn't all about RPG making, as we have a very strong community here as well. With that in mind, I'd like to ask what you all do with your other free time. It can be outside, inside. It can be on the computer or underwater, though perhaps both or neither.
Second, why do you do it or why does it catch your interest?
Not to be self-serving, but to start of the thread I guess I'll go first.
Warhammer/40,000: A table top miniature wargame and hobby. Modeling and painting the miniatures, as well as designing background "fluff" for your army and its characters make up half of the hobby. The other half is, of course, battling in lengthy games against friends. This originally grabbed me due to a fondness for painting and little green army men, though it's also good for socialization and a great alternative to video games with friends.
Various video and computer games: PC, PS2 and DS. haven't played as many lately but the general entertainment value is what makes games what they are. The sophistication of an RPG storyline and the thought involved with strategy games also adds to their appeal.
Airsofting: I turn away from the intellectually themed, though still fun. Boils down to shooting at friends with pellets while pretending to be in a paramilitary or military unit. Fun stuff, not all that painful in the end.
Drawing/Painting: Not so much on the latter lately, but drawing is what really started off the rest of my hobbies. The joy of creating with the appeal of something cool or meaningful is definitely the pull.