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Vampyr SBABS

Started by umbrageous, June 13, 2009, 08:36:45 PM

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Commands valid for skills, Items and weapons:
Ranged (That command says to script, that weapon, skill or item is ranged)
Graphic = X (Change X for character name, default is nil)
Index = X (Change X for character index, default is 0)
Speed = X (Change X for movement speed of projectile, default is 6)
Range = X (Change X for distance that performed for the projectile, default is 5)
Delay = X (Change X for delay of projectile, default is 60)
Shot SE = X (Change X for SE name that is played when attack, default is nil)
Path = X (Change X for:
Line (The projectile will move in straight line (that is default));
Circle (The projectile will move around the player);
Boom (The projectile will move forward and come back, like a boomerang);
Jump (The projectile will jump 2 squares forward (like Axe of Castlevania));
Random (The projectile will walk randomly on map) )
Attack Character = X (Change X for character name of character attacking)
Attack Index = X (Change X for index of character attacking)
Don't Show Icon (This command says to script don't show the icons of weapon when attack)
Commands valid only for Skills and Items:
Explosive (That command, says to script, that is a explosive skill or item)
Area = X (Change X for area (in tiles) that explosion affects the enemies, default is 3)
Command valid only for items:
Is Ammo (This command says to script, that item is an ammo used for weapons)
Bomb (This command says to script, that item is a bomb)
Commands valid only for weapons:
Combo Hits = X (Change X for number of hits needed to gets a combo damage, default is 5)
Combo Rate = X (Change X  for % of chance to get a combo damage, default is 75%)
Attack Speed = X (Change X for a speed (in frames) of attack)
Ammo List = X,Y,Z... (Change values (separated by comma ) to ids of items that can be used as ammos for this weapon)
Overkilleable (Turn on the overkill to this weapon, if overkill is not sated to be always)
Commands valid only for armors:
Defense Rate = X (Change X for defense rate (in %) that shield block attacks for enemies, default is 50%)
Reflect Rate = X (Change X to reflect damage rate (in%), the rate is added for each armor equipped, default is 0%)
Commands valid only for states:
Animation = X (Change X for a animation id of state, default is 0)
Walk Slower (That command says to script, that state makes player or enemy walk slower)
Walk Faster (That command says to script, that state makes player or enemy walk faster)
Don't Walk (That command says to script, that state makes player or enemy don't walk)
Confusion (That command says to script, that state makes player talk randomly)
Duration = X (Change X for duration (in frames) that actor stay infected, default is 300)
Commands valid only for enemies:
Char Name = X (Change X for a name of the character)
Char Index = X (Change X for a index of the character)
Attack Animation = X (Change X to ID of animation for attack of enemy)
Die Animation = X (Change X to ID of animation that will showed when enemy dies)
Die SE = X (Change X to a SE name that will played when enemy dies)
Weapon Icon = X (Change X for the Index of a icon that be showed like a weapon when enemy attack)
Shield Icon = X (Change X for the Index of icon that will be showed like a shield when enemy defend)
Defense Rate = X (Change X to defense rate (in %) of the enemy, default is 50%)
Reflect Rate = X (Change X to reflect damage rate (in%) of enemy, default is 0%)
Follow Range = X (Change X for a range that enemy follows the actors)
Respawn = X (Change X for a delay that enemy respawn in map)
Move Speed = X (Change X for a speed for character of enemy on map)
Attack Speed = X (Change X for a speed (in frames) of attack)
Aggressiveness = X (Change X for a value between 0 and 5 to monster attack and run away)
That commands, you need put on comments of events on map:
Enemy X (Change X for an ID of a monster in Database)
Die Self Switch A (Turn on the Self Switch A when enemy dies)
Die Self Switch B (Turn on the Self Switch B when enemy dies)
Die Self Switch C (Turn on the Self Switch C when enemy dies)
Die Self Switch D (Turn on the Self Switch D when enemy dies)
Die Switch X (Turn on the Switch X when enemy dies)
Die Variable X (Increase +1 to variable X)
Respawn X (Change X for a delay (in frames) that enemy reborn)
Follow (That command makes the enemy follow the player automatically)
Kill With Weapon X (The enemy will die only if be attacked with weapon X)
Kill With Skill X (The enemy will die only if be attacked with skill X)
Kill With Item X (The enemy will die only if be attacked with item X)
Object (Makes the enemy be an object, and impossible to kill)
Puzzle (Makes the enemy be a puzzle, it can be killed but allies don't follow it, the damage and hp bar is not showed)
Boss X (Shows the Boss HP Bar with X bars)
Force Update (Ignore the Anti-Lag and update the event even it is out of screen)
How to attack: Press A
How to Defend: Press and hold S
How to hotkey skills: Highlight the desired skill in the skill menu and press either 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
How to use hotkeyed skills: While on the map OUT of the menu, press either 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 depending on what skill you desire to use.
How to hotkey items: Highlight the desired item and press either Q, W, E.
How to use hotkeyed items: On the map press either Q, W, E depending on the desired item.
· To create a Dead Sprite for allies when it dies, put in the "Graphics/Characters"  folder an image named: $X_Dead, where X is the name of the character.

· To change the group order, press Tab.

· To change allies' actions, hold Control and press Tab to change action, and Enter to change actor.

· To get a overkill, the last damage must be greater than double of rest of enemy hp.

· To steal an enemy, hit him until his hp be less than 15%, so his hp bar will be yellow. When it happen, press C on enemy. You will steal him, if success, a balloon will appear above actor's head with the icon of the stolen item, if fail, nothing will happen and the enemy's hp bar will turns red again.


Offline. Get it from here for now.

Credit: Vlad

modern algebra edit - attached Vampyr SBABS 12.1 to this post since the vampyr coders site went down


It looks cool so yea good find,but sadly I can' use it in my creations. ;9


I get an error when I use the bow. Says: Script 'Requiem ABS 7' line 2061: LocalJumpError occurred. Unexpected next.


Oh I guess I should Update this. Their on Their 9th Version Now.
EDIT: Updated

modern algebra

Wow, 9 versions. Very cool :)


Links are broken. Can you reup them?


Go to the website. duh

And it's definitely not broken. Learn to use a mouse.

modern algebra

Yeah, the download link doesn't bring you to the download, but you can find the script by following the link to the site.


i clicked save as and it works fine(just now on my windows)

at work, when i last posted here, all i did was click it, it brought me to a blank page then a few seconds later started the download. (on a mac)


This ABS is soo great, really. :) Just cool. Thanks for the creator!


Yes Vlad is a Great Scripter. Also His Freaking amazing Looking Net GAming system is coming out


Large Update to the ABS Including a name Change
[spoiler]September 20th

Added message balloons to skills;
Added animation sprites when character attack;
Added Flying monsters;
Enhanced Hud;
Fixed minor bugs
September 1st

Fixed error when add new chars to party;

Added auto mount skill hotkeys;
Added comment "Follow" again (the enemy will follow the player only with this comment);
Added option to turn On / Off the Squad Battle;
Fixed Level-Up animation bug;
Fixed "Disposed Sprite" Bug and group change order key;
Fixed Puzzle and Object Events movements;
Fixed HUD;
Fixed Game.exe Error;
Added New Input Module (Requiem Keyboard);
Fixed some bugs of Anti-Lag;
Added EMPTY Area;
Party can have more then 4 members (Causes Lag);
New Sprite for Damage;
Fixed some bugs of Monsters;

Added Exp Bar;
Added Weapons and Shields to monster class;
Fixed bug of non-animation of the Bomb;
A lot of bugs fixed ;
Added class Game Monster;
Monsters now can be potables on map by areas;
Game Monster reduces the lag and is automatically;
Bug of Multiple damage for ranged skills fixed;

Fixed bug of non-use shield;
Fixed bug of "x" from Extended Movements when ally die;
Fixed double-actor bug;
Fixed HUD Bug when double-actor;
Fixed "piece =" error;
Added SBABS module (use all party members at the same time in-battle);
Added paths for the ranged skills and items;
Added ranged weapons without ammo usage;
Fixed bugs;
Added Confusion commando for states (makes actor walk randomly)

Added Requiem Masterpiece 1.2;
Added a ABSConfig.ini in Requiem's Folder, to configure some hidden configurations of ABS;
Added Reflect Damage;
Enhanced Anti-Lag;
Modification of some parts of code;

Added REQUIEM MASTERPIECE, a module that will be used to enhance the compatibility of all Requiem's Scripts;
Game.exe stopped work fixed;
HUD remodeled, now allows to use PNG;
Recreation of damage method;
Monsters now can show weapons and shields sprites;
added new commands for configuration;
Fixed a lot of bugs;
Anti-Lag method enhanced;
Added Auto EXP and Gold generation for enemies;
Added option to player attack using shield at same time;

Download Link Updated


I'm curious. Is the screenshot on his website the new Enhanced HUD? It looks the same, I think... It's been a while though. If not, could you upload a quick shot of that, please?


Haha, Its a small HUD update.




is it possible to turn off the hud during a cutscene? how can i do that?


I believe the Hud is Control Switch One, so turn that off and it should turn off the hud as well


Quote from: umbrageous on September 22, 2009, 11:29:59 PM
I believe the Hud is Control Switch One, so turn that off and it should turn off the hud as well

im sorry, but im kinda new to this. how can i do that? can you give me step by step procedure? sorry for being such a noob. . .


name switch0001 something and if you want the HUD off, turn that switch on. I would assume the HUD is on by default and that switch is off by default, so common sense says to turn the switch ON to turn the HUD off.

Cascading Dragon

Loving this system. :D

Also, grafikal, when do we ever use common sense? Its a rare thing to see these days.


Quote from: grafikal on September 23, 2009, 03:09:55 AM
name switch0001 something and if you want the HUD off, turn that switch on. I would assume the HUD is on by default and that switch is off by default, so common sense says to turn the switch ON to turn the HUD off.

it doesn't work.


Oh, Heres the Fix i made for you.

In the Script Bloody HUD
On Line 5: Change the switch to turn the hud off to what you want
then Turn that switch off/


[spoiler=ignore]Can someone help me?

I copied the scripts over to my game in the correct order, from the demo. Whenever I test play it though it gives me this error:
Script "Vampyr Keyboard" line 220: Runtime Error occurred.
GetProcAddress: InputInitialize or InputInitializeA

This is line 220, exactly as it is in the demo and in my game:
InputInitialize ="Input", 'InputInitialize', 'LLLLLL', '')

And just in case, here are some of the preceding and following lines:

module Input
 @time =, 0)
 @press =, false)
 @trigger =, false)
 @repeat =, false)
 @release =, false)
 @dirs = [0, 0]
 InputInitialize ="Input", 'InputInitialize', 'LLLLLL', '')
 InputUpdate ="Input", 'InputUpdate', '', ''), @press.object_id, @trigger.object_id,
 @repeat.object_id,  @release.object_id, @dirs.object_id)

I don't script and have no clue what that error means, would really appreciate any help, thanks.[/spoiler]

EDIT: I didn't notice the Howto at first, but I don't have word 2007. Can someone save that as any format other than Docx and upload it for me?  :)




Quote from: umbrageous on September 26, 2009, 01:04:37 PM
Oh, Heres the Fix i made for you.

In the Script Bloody HUD
On Line 5: Change the switch to turn the hud off to what you want
then Turn that switch off/