JunkHunt Character GeneratorI am not sure if this has been posted yet, but this is an excellent character generator. While most of the resources are RTP, it is an excellent resource for frankenspriting and unlike most other character generators, it allows you to set hue and further, provides a faceset with matching hues when you generate.
That being said, it can be hard to use, so here's a little tutorial:
Basically, each of the parts have a number next to them, which is important for generating. You can choose one head part and one body part for each character you want to generate.
This is where you set up the characters to be generated, with the appropriate translations:
A. Generation Type
See L for details on generation type
B. Head Part Selection
The head you want to use for this sprite. Use the numbers you find next to the sprite parts.
C. Head Hue
The hue you want the head of this character to take
D. Head Brightness Percentage
The brightness of the head of this character
E. Head Saturation Percentage
The saturation of the head of this character
F. Body Part Selection
The body you want to use for this sprite. Use the numbers you find next to the sprite parts.
G. Body Hue
The hue you want the body of this character to take
H. Body Brightness Percentage
The brightness of the body of this character
I. Body Saturation Percentage
The saturation of the body of this character
J. Priority
This determines whether the head is drawn on top of the body or viceversa. See M
K. The sprites to be generated
You can make 8 characters at a time. Each of these are the individual settingd for each slot of the character set
L. Generation Type
The three options, from top to bottom, are:
Generate - Choose the values for this sprite
Random - Randomize the values for this sprite
Blank - Do not generate this slot in the character set
M. Priority Type
The two options, from top to bottom, are:
Head - When drawing the sprite, the body will be drawn first and then the head
Body - When drawing the sprite, the head will be drawn first and then the body
N. Generate the first sprite individually.
If this option is checked, then only the first character will be generated in an individual character set
O. Protect Skin and Ornament Color
If this option is checked, then changing hue will not affect the coloration of the skin and jewellry.
P. Chooses Similar hues when randomly generating.
The options to the right are: Both, Head Only, Body Only
Q. Generate Random 8 Characters.
The options to the right are: Both, Monster Only, Human Only
R. The button to press to generate the characterset.
Also, I should mention. The table directly below that shows the appropriate hues for each of the pieces so that they are the same coloration as in the parts graphic.