At first I'm like "What....FPS/RTS in RPG Maker? you've got to be joking"...and then I saw the screenshots and I was blown away.
It's amazing what you've done! The RTS element(s) sound sweet and very in depth. I'm familiar with a script that makes the viewpoint First Person, but the screenshots of it in use never *ever* looked this well done; the hud, everything. \
Reminds me a little bit of Starcraft and Doom.
You're the type of person with a mind-set that will eventually flip the industry on it's side, even if whatever that is isn't successful, trial and error generally *always* leads to great stuff. Kudos brah, you're amazing, to you and your project.
Also, not to be a kill joy, but you could get in a lot of trouble with some of your resources...openly admitting and all...