Strike 1: Yes, you
ARE immature. The moment you posted your rage fit when we were telling you how to make it correct shows that you are immature.
Strike 2: First of all, only one of us that has previously posted in this thread is a mod. So your "Rebel against the establishment man!" bullshit doesn't really apply since you can't even tell who is a mod or not.
Strike 3:
Here is the correct way to fix your topic. You obviously can't read or type very well, since you believe your topic to correct. No, this is correct:
Topic Title: [REQUEST] Instruments Scripts
<Name of Proposed Script>
<Date Proposed>
Summary<<replace this with a summary of your script>>
Features Desired- replace these with
- features you'd like to see
- create more as needed
Mockups<<if your scrpt has a visual aspect, replace this with simple mockup pictures
of what you'd like it to look like>>
Games its been in- list all games that have a feature
- like or exactly the same as this request
- create more list items as needed
Did you search?<<simple, replace this with yes or no>>
Where did you search?- replace these with
- all the sites you've searched on
- create more as needed
What did you search for?- replace these with
- the search terms you used
- create more as needed
THAT is what a correct request topic looks like. Not this:
Topic Title Insturments scripts
Body:can any one post all of the instrument scripts im making like a band game i have the drum and piano scripts by Berlan im really in need like a Orcirana like zelda or a guitar scripts
Also, here are the rules for this sub forum:,20694.0.html
You obviously did not comply with rule #2