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Tileset and windowskin edits WIP [RMXP]

Started by BlueEagle7, May 24, 2009, 05:24:53 AM

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Here are some graphics edits I have created to try and get the right look for my game. It's still in the concept stage at the moment, so I'm just trying these ideas out to see if it can work. If it does, I hope to do a more professional job of it... I have only just started to figure out how to use Paint Sop Pro.

I want the game to have a less "blocky" feel to it, so I edited the beach RTP tileset cliffs, so they are less vertical and more interesting. It has the desired effect, and I can create some funky maps. It may be a bit busy on the eye, though. There are some other rocks and things, including a "sloping" rock floor that I'm not happy with and won't use.

Designed to be unobtrusive, neutral colours and as plain as possible. There are no arrows because I'm using an ABS.

I edited a sprite I found.. I can't remember where I got it now. I think it was a Riku rip, so if this sprite style seems familiar, then let me know so I can credit it. I  want a look that is less cartoony, so I made him taller, less fat, and shrunk his head. I'm reasonably happy, but some of the colours are wrong for a black background (mainly the light colour of the hair on the left.) His feet are also quite low on the spriteset, so he walks close to the bottom edge of the tiles.

I've created a black border to go around the edge of the screen. I'll have icons and HUD that will be displayed on the edge of the screen border.

In keeping with the screen border I decided to soften the edge of the map by making some blurred tiles. It actually works pretty effectively, but I need to figure out how to arrange them on the tileset more effectively. It allows for 90-degree and 45-degree map edges.

Here is an example of a crossbow menu icon I will use. I will display this on the right hand side of the screen (zoomed to about 32x32 pixels). When you select the item, it zooms to full size and moves to the centre of the screen. I've made it transparent so you can still through it and chosen to make it monotone (the original was black and white.) I'm pretty happy with the effect that it creates.

This screenshot (not too clearly) shows how these resources fit together. The screenshot also shows the limited vision system I am using (limits your vision so you can only see in front of you.) I suppose it makes for poor screen shot, but I'll be using an ABS so it will add to the challenge... you can run from your enemies, but when they are behind you, you can't see them. You'll also see that the character is rummaging through his satchel while you access the menu. The dodgy blue icons at the on the left look dodgy, but its still all in the concept stage.

Anyway, let me know what you think. As soon as I get a few bugs out of the game, I'll post a screenie to show how it all fits together.

modern algebra
