I'd like to see some games break the mold of RPG stereotypes. I think there are countless other settings that have been unexplored, and if done well, could be amazing. For example, The Colonial period in America, or Pre-Columbian South America. Another thing that I like to see in games is a sort of alternate history. One developer that did this well, but took a wide approach rather than go for specificity was Quintet, with the Soulblazer "series". I'm playing through the Ys series right now, and the whole point of the original Ys games was that magic and monsters were dependent on each other, and after both were gone, the world that we live in today was created. This is a simple, yet slightly tired concept, but it is still interesting none the less. The Lord of The Rings did the same thing, having the end of the series be "The Age Of Man", where other species were either destroyed or went into hiding.