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Problem with Character Maker XP.

Started by Roane, March 28, 2009, 08:25:59 PM

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Last night I downloaded this from this forum and while it's a great program as far as the Sprite creation is concerned, there's a flaw. When you import them it shows a background when the character sprites are displayed. So I have this annoying colored box following my characters around. When changing the background color, even if I make it "white" the white shows. Anyway is there way I can make it transparent? As far as I can tell I can't. If someone knows how to fix this annoying problem, I'd be very grateful.


Your best chance is first, to remove the background in a layer-based art program. (Photoshop, GIMP, Graphic Gales, etc)


Hmm...I'll try that, thanks. It's a wonderful program just that colored background crap is bloody annoying. Ruining otherwise awesome sprites.


Heh, if it's anything like Character Maker 1999, then there should be an option to set a default transparent color. If not, Photoshop works wonders.


There's not an option for Transparency. Just has a background color option with three boxes(for red, green, and blue). Setting all three to the max #, 255, only makes you end up with a white box that follows the character(as opposed to a color one). :'(


why the hell is this in board support and feedback?

moved to RMXP forum.

also, you do realize that if you import the characterset through the RMXP resource importer, you can remove the background color by clicking on it. right?

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Sorry, didn't know where it went. ;9

Quote from: NAMKCOR on March 29, 2009, 12:36:42 AM
also, you do realize that if you import the characterset through the RMXP resource importer, you can remove the background color by clicking on it. right?

Obviously I didn't.
I do now, thanks.


Quote from: Roane on March 29, 2009, 12:39:01 AM
Sorry, didn't know where it went. ;9

read forum descriptions next time.

also if this is resolved and you have no further questions, please add [RESOLVED] to the topic title, kthx

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