Now here's the issue I'm having.....I've been reading PMiSS (Perfect Memento in Strict Sense), and seeing where locations are in relation to each other. For those that don't know what I'm talking about, good read:, if you take a look at some of those articles for locations, you'll see some things aren't as they should be on my current map.
For those who don't know what's where, here's a quick overview.
1) Hakurei Shrine. To the north, is the Eastern Forest, which leads to the Makai Cave (and thus to Makai itself). To the east is the Hakurei Border (yes, it's very ghetto, but not much I can do about that right now). The forest to the south is the Autumnal Forest.
2) Misty Lake. Mansion on island (lol what? Island? That's not what it says for it in PMiSS) is the SDM.
3) Youkai Mountain, with the Great Youkai Forest to the south.
4) Human Village, with the Insect Forest to the east.
5) Forest of Magic, with Kourindou just south and the Mushroom Grove just to the east of it.
6) Bamboo Forest of Lost.
7) Frozen Forest, with Hakugyokurou slightly northwest.
Sanzu River. To the east in that little hourglass shape field is the Sunflower Field. Wonder who you can find there....and to the south there is Nameless Hill.
9) Prismriver Ruins. I know.....I have it in the completely wrong spot I think.
Now, if you look at PMiSS, here's what I see wrong with my map.
1) Hakurei Shrine, according to PMiSS, is the only shrine on the eastern side of Gensokyo. On the map, Youkai Mountain (where the Moriya Shrine is) is also on the east side.
2) Misty Lake is at the foot of the Youkai Mountain. Can you see the problem here?
3) SDM.....Island.....nuff said. I don't know what "the ridge of the lake" is either....
4) Sanzu River is on the other side of the mountain....see the problem here?
Granted, those COULD be relatively easy fixes, but not sure how I'd go about some other places (next to Misty Lake is supposed to be the Path of Darkness, which leads to Bloody Lake and then to Mugenkan. Doesn't look like much of a path right now but you know....).
Opinions/suggestions on the map is more than welcomed. And yes, STILL no border around the map to signify that it's enclosed.....
Oh yes....if anyone wants to contribute to this project, go for it. I wouldn't mind getting some help on this at all. Might help motivate me more on working, especially with these maps and stuff D: Full credit would be given of course to anyone that wants to help.