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Memory Thread, with lots o screens and a demo.

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Rep: +0/-0Level 84
when is Ichigo gonna learn a new move?
Memory Thread.  only its name is cliche :D

My downfall? I'm a stickler for details...

and yes, it's Active Battle! whether you like it or not.

Spoiler for Story:
Believe it or not, the full confusing story is about 70% complete, thanks to long car rides and days staying up till 1:00.

Anyway, the abridged background story:
There one was a king who had two sons. There was also an ambitiously evil wizard who had a great influence on the younger son. The younger son, named Thorin, was jealous of the older one because the older one was to inherit the throne. When the king died, the older son inherited the throne, and the younger son tried to assassinate him, but failed. The new king exiled him to a faraway land, never to come back. But he did, and he came back as an evil man, leader of the Bandits and Rogues who were enemies to the king. There was a great battle in the favor of the Bandit King, but internal affairs caused a stalemate. It was rumored that the Bandit King was looking not only for revenge against his brother, but he was looking for an artifact left behind by the Ancients ages ago which would grant him enormous power. Apparently, the artifact was found, but the tool used to control the artifact was lost.

The actual game begins with Jack, Cite, and Farra. They cause their hometown to be hopelessly destroyed by Bandits and they go on a journey to seek revenge on what was wrong, recover what they had, and remember what was lost.

The plot will include unexpected twists and much action; so much, that it cannot be contained in this little box.
and yes... the story will focus around a "thread" -.-

Spoiler for Gameplay:
The game takes place in a colorful medieval world. Humans will be the major Race, with lessers, such as elves, dwarfs, and more... 
The story is split into chapters.
Each actor has a predetermined Job, but as they level, they may choose their own Classes
I found Turn Based Battles slow, boring, and repetitive, so I chose an Active Battle System, so battles will be quicker, more fun, and use more strategy. The ABS will have skills that heal, do AOE Damage, buffs, etc...

Spoiler for Characters:

A lazy and stubborn boy who likes to daydream about saving the world. He likes to eat, but always stays slim. Quick to make hasty decisions, but  they fail him often. He is calm, smart, and attentive, and is not easily ticked off.  When he is angry, however, unfortunate events always happen...
Job: Mage


Quiet, but not really shy. Hit his head and can't seem to remember anything that happened to him before. It is only when strange things occur to him, that he takes action and tries to learn about his past. He always tries to be good, because he feels something was wrong about him in his past. His goodness often leads to dispair.
Job: Fighter


The female character. She is sparky and outgoing, and easily provoked into a dispute. She tries to protect her friends as best as she can, because she does not want to lose them. This might be because her father left when she was very young because he was forced to fight. She is also very curious at everything and will follow something to no end until the problem is solved.

Spoiler for Features:
Active Battle System with Active Party Member Switching and Caterpillar
Quest System with quests that tie in with the story
Advanced Crafting System for crafting Weapons, Armors, Potions, and Food
Monster Taming and Pet Interaction
Multiple Parties
Light Effects
Puzzle Minigame
Altered Battle Algorithm
Varied Storyline modified depending on Character Class
and more...

To Come...
Completion of Intro Movie, Chap1 Story/Eventing
more items to be found/ made
more monsters to tame/ battle
Buying and Selling of Skill and Skill Upgrade Shops
more Details, Details, Details.
Timer based Buff Skills

how are my maps?  :-X
Spoiler for Screenshots...wtf theres 13?!!:

Spoiler for Jobs and Elements:
The three main Jobs are Novice, Mage, Fighter, and Archer
These jobs branch out into separate Classes.
Classes are divided into using Physical / Magical, Long Ranged / Close Ranged
There are Physical Spells Long-Ranged, Physical Attacks Long-Ranged, Magical Skills Long-Ranged, Magical Attacks Long-Ranged, Physical Spells Short-Ranged, Physical Attacks Short-Ranged, Magical Skills Short-Ranged, and Magical Attacks Short-Ranged.
Yes, there is a difference...

The Main elements are:
Fire,Water,Earth, and Wind

Water > Fire > Earth > Wind > Water

These branch out to sub- elements, Dark, Light, Ice, Spark, Air, and Growth.
Fire: Dark, Spark
Water: Light, Ice
Earth: Dark, Growth
Wind: Light, Air

Jan 28: Version 0.0.91: Click Here! 11.36 megs
This version stops after you wake up from sleeping, but you can continue on to do whatever you like in the game. Ed's quest and the Fishing Pole Quest is not completed, but you can take and complete the monster taming quest and battle monsters in Sundew forest and Small Clearing. The Game House is forever open, feel free to play the Pathfinder Minigame.

version 0.1 is the first completed beta, and marks the completion of the first chapter.

Known Bugs/ Annoyances
f12 sends you straight to an error message.
if your computer was made four years ago+, any other programs you run will lag. The game should run fine, however.
3 known grammatical mistakes in the demo :(
pressing f9(debug) doesn't work. me thinks my script canceled it. :(
A lot of scripts don't work with the Active Battle System
Please test and report all bugs.

PR Coder Team
Modern Algebra
Nechi Sanzenin
and all my testers, mostly Y.H., J.S., S.W., G.K., S.F., T.C., H.W., and A.L...
and perhaps you...? contact me if you wish to be a part of our team.

Good enough for promotion? :D  :P
« Last Edit: March 02, 2009, 04:30:46 AM by jeffo »
Memory Thread RPG