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[Request] Light and Dark, Dark Hurts You (more within)

Started by Shenraiz, February 28, 2009, 09:10:11 AM

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So this is a little confusing to describe but basically I'm making a game that focuses on darkness. It's a puzzle-based adventure game that uses these simple details:

- When you step into darkness, you take damage depending on how long you're in darkness.
- Light sources will change this. If you light up an area with a flashlight or some variety you won't take any damage because it's lit up.

I already know how to use switches to make it so you can turn a light on in a room and make it so you don't get hurt, but the whole idea of picking up a flashlight and pointing it at different areas confuses the hell out of me.

So, if there is already a script like this I would seriously love you as I have most of the events that have to do with story and battle sequences completely finished, I just need this puzzle atmosphere to make the game really great.

If not, I guess I'll just have to find new ways to make this game even better. :P

Thank you!

(Also, yes I have a low post count. I read the rules! Read my welcome post and you'll see why I've come here.)