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Rouge Galaxy...Disappointment...

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Level 84
~Chase Leader~
I recently just purchased Rouge Galaxy for the PS2 discounted at a Video Store that was going out of business...and after reading several great reviews for the game I found out that technically it doesn't have any load times it does and they suck(for lack of a better word)

I just want to know if my copy of the game is defective because after every battle the game has to think for about a minute to give me my items and experience even though I can move in that minute time frame I can't do anything else.  Another thing is when I open a treasure chest or even the main menu the game will literally pause for about 1 minute...

Like I was asking above, is this supposed to be loading that slow?

Level 88
My copy does that every now and then, but not often. And it's never really had a problem with treasure chests.

Sounds like it might be a little defective. Sorry man.

Level 84
~Chase Leader~
Thats what I was fearing, it would be an awesome game if it was normal...maybe I'll have to try and use some disk cleaner after all it was used...but now that you mention that it might be a little defective, in the video store it was sitting by the window for who knows how long...
I just wanna play the game like it was meant to be played...

Thanks for clearing that up for me though.

Edit: Feb 25th, 2009

I used a cleaner on the disk and it works much faster than it did.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2009, 07:01:15 PM by Chase_Leader »