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[XP] Advance Add-On Pack (Jump and Sprint System)

Started by WhyMischievous, February 20, 2009, 02:07:47 AM

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Advance Add-On Pack

Version 1.0
1.0 - First release (Includes Advance Plus, Advance, and Regular Jump System along with a Regular Sprint System)

This Advance Add-On Pack includes, Advance Plus, Advance, and Regular Jump System along with a Regular Sprint System, basically a different art of jumping.  :oftp://

Regular Jump System
This jump system that allows you to jump 2 square distances or 3 square distances(Ultra Jump), up, down, left, and right.  :)

Advance Jump System
This jump system has the same features as the regular one, but now you can jump diagonally, 2 square distances or 3, but you can only use this system when your facing up or down.  :D

Advance Plus Jump System
This jump system is the same as the Advance and Regular but now you can jump diagonally where ever you're positioned.  :lol:

Sprint System
Nothing unique about this system, just hold a button and watch yourself sprint.  :-X

[spoiler]Advance Add-On Pack[/spoiler]
[spoiler] Sketchies Demo MG[/spoiler]

# WhyMischievous - Whole jumping/sprint system
# Moghunter - Time Meter Script

Get your system here!
[spoiler]Advance Add-On Pack.exe[/spoiler]
Mini Game I created using Advance Jump System and Moghunter's Time Meter Script
[spoiler]Sketchies Demo MG.exe
[spoiler]Whenever you use the jump action when you really can't,(due to obstacle) the jump SE will still play[/spoiler]


Nice pack. I've seen a few people who've wanted systems like this for XP, so its good to have an all-in-one pack. I'll try it out later.

modern algebra

Yeah, this looks good. I'll check it out soon.