Just what does this mod do/have/include?
This is a hacked version of the rpg maker 2003 runtime that allows plugin
modules to be injected into the runtime's virtual address space. The runtime
obtains a list of plugins that need to be loaded from the plugins section of
the ini file. The plugin modules are located in the plugins subfolder. If the
runtime cannot load a plugin it simply terminates without displaying an error.
Here is a list of the included plugins and the low-down on each:
CallPlugin.dll - This plugin uses the first switch and the first 7 variables to
create an interface that event scripts can use to call installed plugins. I've
coded a few call-type common events that should make things a little easier.
Variables.dll - This plugin requires callplugin.dll. It creates 3 new types of
variables for event scripts to work with. By default, there are 10 of each type,
numbered 1 through 10, but it is possible to create more by editing the
variables.ini file, located in the plugins subfolder.
Here is a list of the variable types and a description of each:
Temporary Locals: These variables can only be accessed by the current game, and
the value of these variables is reset to zero when the player quits to the
title screen.
Static Globals: These variables can be accessed by all new and saved games, and
the values of these variables are saved when the program terminates.
Temporary Globals: These variables can be accessed by all new and saved games, but
the values of these variables are reset to zero when the program terminates.
DateTime.dll - This plugin requires callplugin.dll. This plugin allows event
scripts to read the system's current date and time.
CustomLogo.dll - This plugin redirects the runtime, forcing it to load the logo
screen from an xyz file located in the plugins subfolder. To create a new logo
screen, all you have to do is create a 320x240 xyz file named customlogo.xyz and
drop it in the plugins subfolder.
GCrypt.dll - By default, this plugin is disabled. To enable it, just remove the
semicolon before its name in the plugins section of rpg_rt.ini. This plugin
should not be enabled unless you have used the encrypt program to encrypt your
game. This plugin will allow the runtime to read the encrypted game files.