From a whiny shithole for animefans...whinings to a slight dumping ground for 3 post discussions to something new and relatively intimidating, Anime and manga has become a slightly respectable (Still growing) board for answering innocent questions and touhou videos. Best of all, we have like Four regular visitors to the board (Five if you count NAMKCOR) and yes it is (still growing.)
So yes congratulations folks :3 We have all done a great job with the place. And four or five people? bah. There is only around 15 people around RMRK who are cool and post regularly, and we make up roughly 29% of them, which is close to 20%, which is like 1.25 out of 5 people, which is probably the same amount of people who have HPV in Canada, and because of that in Canada the vaccinations for HPV are partially mandatory which means that yes, we should be pretty goddamn proud of our anime/manga achievements