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basic script help needed

Started by theskarekrow, January 15, 2009, 04:51:48 AM

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i just downloaded, blizz-abs, however i dont even know where to begin putting the code into my game, if anyone would be willing to run me though the basics of scripting in rpg maker xp that would be very helpful.



thx much, but im still looking for someone who's willing to teach me the basics of scripting in rmxp



im still trying to work out how to use blizz-abs, and mow in trying to set up skills, does anyone know where i could find in depth tutorials on how to use blizz-abs, ive been reading thought the help manual that comes with it, but cant make out exactly what im supposed to do.


An ABS is a very tough system to use, I would simply not recommend it to someone who has little experience with RMXP. You should just give up on it.


well, i got the basic basics of it down now, ill be sure to pull a shitty game out with it, and hopefully learn a bit in the proccess