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Three [Working Title]

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Level 88
So, if anyone can remember my old piece of crap project, Final Knights, then this might seem familiar. This is, more or less, that game. However, the story has changed, a ton of characters were cut, it has a totally new system for everything, etc. Also, I'm no longer keeping the old title of "Final Knights". That name annoys me now. Now, onto the actual post...

Working title

I've worked on the concept of this game since before I started with RPG Maker. It's gone from a simple 10 page story in a math notebook 4 years ago, to a project planned to be the biggest thing I've ever done. After almost 2 years in RPG Maker XP, I've learned what makes a good game. It is my hope that this game can achieve the requirements and become a good game.

Spoiler for It's very long:
The land of Anasaise was never in complete peace, but before the war, the only thing you had to worry about was the occasional wild animal. But then, something happened. The animals seemed to change. They became more aggressive, even violent. Some would even attempt to attack towns. The four large nations of the land came together to decide on a plan to counter these creatures, which were now known as the "Kaldurt", but most simply termed them "monsters".

The meeting of the four lasted for months, with no satisfactory solution made. The problem was the fact that the leaders of the nations all had differing plans of action. All believed theirs was best, and would not even consider the others' plans. Then one day, one of the leaders did not show up for the daily talks. It was later found out that he had taken it upon himself and his army to take the Kaldurt head-on. The other nations saw the folly in this plan, and hurried together their armies in an effort to at least attempt to keep the foolhardy nation from total annihilation. Because of the rush, the armies were under-prepared and the battle was lost quickly. Soon, much blame was geared toward the nation that originally started the doomed march. One thing led to another, and the nations' alliances crumbled. Small skirmishes started to break out followed by full-blown war.

The war continued for almost 300 years. A single magician wished to end the war completely. This powerful wizard created a spell that would, in theory, destroy the Kaldurt and end the war. The spell was simple: Destroy the source of the Kaldurt's energy. However, it was not known that this was also the energy that powered all magic in the world. The spell was cast, and it did what was intended, as well as destroy all magic. The magician did withhold one piece of information. All the energy and magic would be taken from everything... And it would all be transferred to himself, making him nearly immortal.

Time passed and there was a somewhat peaceful time. The war had ended, the Kaldurt were gone. Some had a hard time adjusting to life without magic, but they lived on. But then suddenly...

The Kaldurt returned.

This time, the people did not have any sort of magic to defend themselves with. Many people were slaughtered, towns were wiped from the map, and in the end, what was a world full of small villages, large cites, and large farmlands, now became almost devoid of human life, save for a few small pockets where people had managed to build a strong defense against the Kaldurt. These small areas became the only safe havens for anyone.

Many people wondered why the Kaldurt returned. Many had their theories. The most common and accepted one was the one about the young magician who had destroyed them just a few years ago...

Main Story
Spoiler for Not quite as long:
Vince was in his normal Intro to Biology class he took at his local community college. It was pretty hot that summer day. It sucked that he had to take summer courses just to catch up after flunking out of his last college. To his left and right sat his friends Sinu and Mae. Sinu was still in high school, and was just taking some college credit courses, and Mae wanted to continue her studies even though her normal college didn't provide summer classes. After class, they walked to the local park to have lunch. It was hot. It was one of those days where all you wanted to do was sleep. And before they knew it, they were sleeping...

Vince woke up with a jerk. He reached for his pocket to check his watch when he noticed something. Instead of reaching his pocket, his hand hit metal. A metal armor plate to be exact. As a matter of fact, he was wearing full battle armor. When he tried to stand up, he was thrown off-balance by a weight on his back. When he checked what it was, he couldn't believe his eyes. A huge black sword was gripped in his hands. And even though it was a little taller than he was, it was surprisingly light. Of course, it still had to take a lot of effort to swing it around, but it was still strange. putting it back, he looked around. He wasn't in the park anymore. It was a large plain. It looked like farmland. He looked in the distance and saw a town, and so the story begins...



Class: Heavy Swordsman
Weapon: Greatsword
Element: Darkness
Age: 19
Bio: He was raised by girls and with girls. Most thought this would mean he would end up being very unmanly, but the only effect this seemed to have on him is his high desire to protect girls. Although, he usually won't be willing to do anything for a man. He very antisocial, but an extraordinary fighter. His only friends, Sinu and Mae, are his life. He would do anything for them.


Class: Elementalist
Weapon: Halberd
Elements: Earth, Fire, Water, Wind
Age: 17
Bio: He was raised in a wealthy family. Although, he hates it. Other people often try to take advantage of him for that. He isn't the best physical fighter, but he is an excellent strategist, as well as the smartest of the group. However, he tends to overreact witch can lead to problems in his judgment.


Class: Healer
Weapon: Light Sword
Element: Light
Age: 18
Bio: She was raised in a normal family. When she concentrates, she can do anything, but she is easily distracted and naive. She's very social, but sometimes her judgment is a little off. She is very passive and battle is not her style, but if she does fight, she can be a very powerful ally. She is always wanting to know more.

  • Custom Graphics (Not completely custom, but a lot of it is)
  • Side-View Battle System
  • Many Minigames
  • Day/Night System
This is not by any means a complete list. This is just what I have so far.


The Park on Earth



To Do List
Finish title screen
Finish up my Day/Night System
Do more eventing
Do more mapping
Do pretty much everything


~Battle Sets~


Near Fantastica
Jimme Reashu


~Special Thanks~
My friends
Everyone who has ever helped me with my games
Most of the people of RMRK
And anyone else I may have missed

Final Notes
I was bored, so I made a userbar.

Put it in your sig or something to help support, blah, blah, I really don't expect anyone to do that.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2009, 06:45:04 AM by Revo »

Level 88
Hi guys. Updated this. Now has screenshots and such. Now will someone comment? :mad:

Also, a lot of that is RTP, but that's because I haven't finished my maps that don't have RTP tilesets.

Walking Billboard
Level 87
Alright, cool idea, that's the most i can say.

You want criticism you say? Well, the charasets clash with your maps, and i would reccomend getting new ones but it isn't a terrible problem >_o

Anyhow i will wait for that demo.

Level 88
I kinda know what you mean about the charasets clashing... I'm thinking about changing the tilesets so it will work better. I'll only have to redo a few maps, so it shouldn't be any huge deal.

Also, who said anything about a demo? :V Anyway, I probably won't release a demo for several months.

Anyway, thanks for the comment. I'd rather have someone say my game sucks rather than everyone just ignore it. Cause then I learn what I need to do to improve it.

Crew Slut
Level 93
You'll love it!
For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
Wow, looks pretty nice. The first map looks great, but the park of earth looks a little bare...maybe it's just my teenage mind, but this is reeking with innuendo: Vince woke up with a jerk. He reached for his pocket.

I like the main story, awwwwwesome.  ;8

Level 89
Let's attack agressively.
The Main Story is awesome. Good luck with it.  ;8

Level 88
Wow, looks pretty nice. The first map looks great, but the park of earth looks a little bare...maybe it's just my teenage mind, but this is reeking with innuendo: Vince woke up with a jerk. He reached for his pocket.

I like the main story, awwwwwesome.  ;8

Dammit, Rex. Now I'm going to have to change that. >.>

Anyway, I think I've decided to change the tilesets. The clash is way too much for me.

Anyway, thanks for the comments.

Level 96
2013 Best ArtistParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Game Creator (Non-RM Programs)~Bronze - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for December 2009Project of the Month winner for August 20082011 Best Game Creator (Non RM)Gold - GIAW Halloween
I'd like the first map if there weren't man-made bricks around the trees.
it seems so weird for it to be random

the other maps also look empty, and teh farms seem far too randomly placed based on the path and such.

idk what advice to give as far as fixing it, tbh, I'm brainded right now.

looks promising though :)

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