I've seen a lot of new "help" topics where the questions could be easily figured out by just looking at RMXP and figuring out what the buttons do.
Now, I'm not sure if a lot of people have noticed, but if you are confused on what a button on RMXP, then all you have to do is right click it.
Here's an example:
Say you don't know what the EXP Curve on the Actors tab of the database does.
You just go over to the EXP Curve box...
Then right-click and this little thing will show up...
Click it and a description comes up.
This little thing works for pretty much everything in the database and all the event commands. Also, this works in RMVX as well.
If you ever are a bit confused on what a button does, just do this. Also, if you use this to see what they do, you'll be able to use them better.
Also, move this if you think its in the wrong place.
That is all.