I dunno, the thing with the original 4 DMCs was that the cheesiness was more or less intentional (since you knew Capcom was fairly capable of decent acting and story-telling at the time); once you got past it, the games were amazing. 3 in particular has some of the best hack-and-slash gameplay I've ever seen, since it's so incredibly deep and you're given so many options. 1's a classic through-and-through as well, imo, and I love 4 for many of the same reasons as 3.
DmC (basically what most people refer to the reboot as) isn't necessarily bad, if you ask me, and it's supposed to be a reboot and all, as I said, but it just doesn't have that energetic goofy charm the original games had, so I wasn't able to get into it as much. The combat was pretty fun, but it just didn't have that depth that made the originals click for me, and comboing was waaaay too easy for my taste (you had to mix up weapons in the originals, but you can pretty much use the same weapon until you get SSSes and whatnot, which just took away some of the fun for me). And I honestly would've liked the writing a lot better if it weren't for the constant fucks/shits and whatnot sprinkled everywhere; the originals had profanity as well, but it was much more sparse, so it was more effective imo. Otherwise, the writing isn't terrible. The graphics are AWESOME, though, and apart from some of the 'wub wub' tracks in the OST, it isn't that bad.
Overall, like I said, it isn't a bad game, especially if you treat it as an entity of its own, but I just find it mediocre compared to the other entries in the series.