I just have a question. I know I'm generally pretty rude to you, but I really really have to know. Do you ever search for these things before you request here? I mean you've made at least 5 - 10 new topics requesting something that already exists and are very easy finds. What you're looking for here is called an ABS. There's a few floating around for VX. You really really really really need to learn to look for yourself. This is honestly becoming extremely annoying that every post I really have is always, use Google. I don't mean go to Google and type in "ABS for VX". I mean go to google to look for forums or sites other than this one and then on THOSE sites use THEIR search bars for a specific script. I swear that every single thing you've requested ever, has already been made some place else. We cannot be your 'gophers'. (Go for this, go for that). You absolutely need to do your own research. I've told you what this is called, and I'll tell you that there is one posted in this forum. The guy that posted the script did not make the ABS but did include credits to whom did. Please please please look before asking.