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Bad RPG Maker Game Reviews?

Started by MrMoo, December 15, 2008, 05:03:53 AM

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Hmm, good idea, if this works there might not be as many terrible games XD
As a thought, its the ones who think that there games are "all that" that take criticism harshly, the ones who think their work is okay, take it better.


Yeah, I think so too... It would be really fun to do, and it would also be informative... I think I could totally do it given the chance... I'm serious though... Send me some linkies!   ;D
Ok, DON'T EXPECT HELP FROM ME~! I will perhaps rant a bit, but don't expect me to do graphics for you, even if I say I will... I won't.


Quote from: Guy on March 25, 2010, 12:29:23 AM
To expect anything other than garbage from an amateur community is stupid, and your games are probably just as shitty, you just don't realize it.

But by all means, do what you have to.

If this wasn't RMRK you'd be shitted down the throat for necro posting. People are already doing these reviews on youtube, just search up bad rpg maker games. If you ever seen AVGN, that's more fun to watch than a playthrough of the actual game. And obviously the idea was dropped due to the "concern" we had for our community, so be thankful I'm not going through your game right now.

I find it funny how this made you angry though. You look at a topic 2 years old and you criticize me for asking if it would be cool to make entertainment out of otherwise boring games. The point that probably pissed you off was that I was directing it at shitty games, therefore I can reason that your game must be shit, ergo you got offended. My first VX project got over 100,000 hits, so maybe I have the right to expect a little more from a community, designed to help and foster the growth of indie games. The only reason shitty games exist is because people think they can take any script or resource from this site, throw them into a random shitstorm of a plot, and expect people to coherently understand it. God forbid I enjoy it.

Granted a number of games are intentionally shit, and those are at least fun in the context that they represent actual games. Eye of the tiger, tower of weed, final fantasy 7 (for 2k3).

If you actually plan on doing this, you can either be serious and find flaws in the game which need fixing, or just play joke games while pretending to not know they are joke games.

- -


I would still like to do this... Actually, I think your first idea is right, rather than AVGN style, I could make a more reasonable, kindly sort of review... Actually be constructive and all that..
Ok, DON'T EXPECT HELP FROM ME~! I will perhaps rant a bit, but don't expect me to do graphics for you, even if I say I will... I won't.


Quote from: Sashikinaroji on April 01, 2010, 03:34:04 AM
I could make a more reasonable, kindly sort of review... Actually be constructive and all that..

and suddenly the entertainment value is lost.

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A person not neccessarily AVGN but he does bad game reviews
And you cant even call him a hypocrite because hes making a game and it looks ossim
But i am for Angry Rpg maker Nerd


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Obviously you are not part of a certain little group of im guessing mentally unstable people on YouTube