I heard the game is more like a generic run and gun monster shooter than a survival horror, and not very scary.
I heard that people like to make up negative comments about games that aren't even released yet.
Incidentally, he is correct. The game isn't very scary, or even that suspenseful. The older ones were suspenseful because slow moving zombies are just kind of ... creepier than fast ones. Fast moving zombies really just make me think "oh, they're humans, but mad at me." When they were zombies, it was like "these are undead creatures that want to eat me."
So yeah, kind of suspenseful, I guess, but not that scary. Really, it might as well be a first person shooter, but it's not, because first person shooters have WAAAYYYY better controls.
But it's still a gorgeous game, and it's still a fantastic play experience. And co-op is amazing.