A Super Robot War style thing I decided to try out. The lolship sprites aren't made by me, but everything else is. I'd have made it animate, but eh, lazy.
A fanart for one of my friends projects or writings I think. Corey.
A fanart for my friends project. Zuleika.
A Summon Night style sprite. Looks like Terra on a Magitek, but it's Amelia on an Ancanger from my game Paradise Blue. Very inspired by Terra/Magitek though.
http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/2540/azureoceanmockup.pngA DS mockup. The DS in the linked image above the 2 wasn't made by me, this was just for a pixel event. The stuff in the 2 screens are made by me though, and I think this is how I want Azure Ocean to look like when I start working on it.
Llorcan, a boss character in my game.