So...... I was here last.... about... maybe..... well, I can't remember, but I would guess maybe I was here last about three years ago.
I was checking my email just now and was surprised to see myself still getting messages from Crankeye, which is not crankeye anymore, but it is sort of. And this message was about this "RMRK awards" that I've been hearing about.
Surprisingly, many people whom I knew from when I was last here are still around, such as HaloOfTheSun, who I noticed winning in many categories of whatever these awards are. Strangely, even my sister, Yossy, who left at the same time I did (maybe a bit later) won a lot of the categories as well.
So here I am. Coincidentally, at the very moment I was checking the email, I was reminiscing about the last RM game I completed, Kazekem: The Wind Blade, and was also listening to the soundtrack, which was made by HaloOfTheSun.
Truly, the reason I came here has been because many users are still active. I haven't even been following the news of RM for a very long time. The last piece of news I know about is the release of RMVX, which I tried once and I remember not liking it.
So, that's that. Good to be back.
Now then, who wants to work on an awesome game?