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NOX AETERNA (Or the Eternal Night)

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Rep: +0/-0Level 84
Daxis X Heart
Nox Aeterna: The Eternal Night

Spoiler for About:
Nox Aeterna is a darkly dramatic rpg game that details the various travels of Ravus, a mysterious individual. Ravus traverses many lands, throughout the entire known world of Aesikoru... and beyond.

In the end, he will learn that innocence is only an ideal of man.

Spoiler for Characters:

Race: Fallen
The main protaganist of Nox Aeterna. A mysterious youth, he is constantly wandering to wherever, for purposes unknown. He is a pure-blooded Fallen, his eyes and hair distinguishing him from the rest. Past, present and future unknown, it is unclear who he is, what he intends to do, and why he has such a freaking huge sword.

Age: ???
Race: Fallen
Zogue is quite the charismatic guy. Silent, he wanders around just like Ravus. However, his wanderings aren't meaningless... It seems there is a clear path for him to tread, a clear reason why he sharpens his spear...

Age: 20
Race: Human(?)
Kaiser is somewhat a shy, easily embarrassed girl. Although deadly with a katana, she is rather clumsy without. Her best friend in the world is Ziegfried, and joins with Ravus purely because Ziegfried did. However, maybe she isn't who you think she is...

Age: 26
Race: Human
Celes is a specialized knight, her rapier enchanted by the most poweful magicks. A bit silent and melancholy, she would rather act than talk. She seems to know Rydia.

Age: ???
Race: Human-Fallen
Rydia is a very fun loving character. When the occasion calls for it, she can be seductive and mature, but otherwise, she would much rather have fun. She is rather adept at magic. She seems to know Celes. Despite her fun nature, she can often get serious, especially when it comes to issues with the Fallen...

Age: 20
Race: Human
Ziegfried is Kaiser's Best friend. He travels with Zogue and Ravus for vengeance on those that killed his parents, and, despite his protests, Kaiser comes along with him. Nice but serious, he is rather smart. Somewhat of a thief.

Age: 23
Race: Human
A fun guy, really. Tries to joke around a little too much. Caring, he'll do anything for the greater good, to protect the ones he love. Also, for some reason, never wears a shirt.

Spoiler for Story:
Aesikoru is the world in which Nox Aeterna exists in. It is composed of two main continents, Ademna and Haspione. The ruling country of Ademna is called Ademna itself, and Haspione is split into two countries, Hesperitia and Bel-Sent.

There are two main races of Aesikoru. Humans are the Majority, and the race of the Fallen. Fallen are those with silver hair or eyes, the pure-blooded having both.

It is said that the Fallen come from three fallen angel, that bred with humans to create the fallen known today. Whether this is true or not, Fallen are typically stronger, faster, and generally have much more magical abilities.

Bel-Sent is the fallen word for "Fallen."

There also may be a third evanescent race. These people are generally described in myths and legends.

They are called Descenders, those with heavenly wings on their backs.

The Fallen are highly prosecuted in this world. About 250 years ago, the continent of Haspione had a great split, due to the many prosecutions on the Fallen, and thus Haspione harbored two countries, Bel-Sent and Hesperitia. Although tensions had cooled in the following 200 years, a great Fallen leader, Razial, had rallied up the Fallen people, and fought to take back the homeland of the Fallen, located in Hesperitia.

They lost.

Tensions built up again. The Fallen now dye their hair and hide their eyes, for fear of what people might do. The homeland of the Fallen is violated by the touch of the humans. And a great new leader of the Fallen are arising, Markus, and he is rallying everyone up again. Hesperitia is getting agitated, and minor border skirmishes are breaking out.

Meanwhile, in Ademna, the democratic kingdom does not know exactly what to do. Do they help the Fallen? Do they ignore any incoming war? Hesperitia is dangerously close and large... If the Hesperities won, would they be satisfied with just Bel-Sent?

And, even as these events go on, an organization in the shadow slowly arises, unknown to the world until it is too late. To them, the incoming war is the same as ants scurrying around. Their mission is so much greater...

And for some reason, everyone wants to join Ravus on his travels. Go figure.

Spoiler for Screenshots:

Spoiler for Downloads:
Demo v.4, at least an hour of solid gameplay

This is demo v.3, 20-30 minutes simple gameplay

This is the intro-demo V.3, there is no game play

This is the font file, Black Chancery

Spoiler for features:
Animated Battlers
Extended cutscenes
Cutscene for title
Cutscene battles
Full MP3 Soundtrack
Screen Capture(F8)
8 Directional pixel movement plus dashing
Animated boss deaths
Completely customated battlebacks
Limit Breaks
Literally hundreds of weapons, items, armors, and skills
Custom Messaging System
New items/weapons/menu/shop screen
Party changing system
Individual battle commands
Light effects
remodeled damage display
Deep storyline and dark storytelling
More to be added

Spoiler for Author's note:
Author's note:
At least hour of quality gameplay
The features show is what the final project will be, not the demo.
Press spacebar in order to dash

YES!!! I KNOW THAT 70MB IS FREAKING HUGE! Sorry, I'm simply using full mp3 sountrack

Forgot in credits:
Kylelee1234 for the rydia/celes battlers

Spoiler for Forum signaturebar:
Well, I was bored, and who cares? When I get a chance, I'll do it over.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2009, 01:33:36 AM by Daxis »
The same reason they call it holy water is also the same reason they call it holy s***

Rep: +0/-0Level 84
Daxis X Heart
Okay, I basically upgraded, cleaned, and generally fixed everything, along with a few screenshots. Also fixed the messed up demo.
The same reason they call it holy water is also the same reason they call it holy s***

Level 86
This part of me, I choose not to see.
EDIT: Don't worry I know what font. But I can't see any of the words in the tweaked intro, I'm about to check the playable demo.

(BTW Black Chancery now = generic)

EDIT2: No font in the "playable demo" and it's just the intro. It doesn't go into game play.

However, you've made good use of RMXP animations and effects and this very slightly reminds me of the short portion I played of Q:TBV, however I doubt the puzzles will be that hard, if there are any. Q:TBV's puzzles a freaking impossible sometimes! The animated cutscenes in truth are the only thing similar to Q:TBV, but the intro is decent. No idea why you used that song, maybe I'll discover it later.

From what I've seen, it looks very solid. As an interesting note, If you can be bothered: creating expressions on faceset characters, that change depending on what they're actually talking about, makes for an interesting viewing experience. If you've already done that, I now feel silly.

Also, if you are to use other peoples battlers try to avoid using the same names. It is tempting, I know, but it makes them immediately recognizable.
It's probably just me though, since even through a few of your character descriptions I knew what battlers you were using. Uncanny talent, I guess.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2008, 03:52:19 PM by SorceressKyrsty »

Rep: +0/-0Level 84
Daxis X Heart
I'm really thinking about changing the font. It seems that's one of the largest reasons people can't play this game. I guess everyone has arial, despite how crappy it is, so I might change it to that. Who knows? it may even be good...

I suck at making puzzles, or events period. I tried a simple push event once, and totally failed that. Besides, I don't really have time to make puzzles when there's mapping, cut scene eventing, and you've seen that intro, so... yeah, lots of work. I'm just one guy who's getting way too much homework...

Yeah, it's just funny when I use those names. Stupid and nonsense, but at least those names mean something, despite how crappy it is. Yes, It's dollmage.

New demo up, http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OF4GXRD5, and this one is the edited, good demo with the font file Black Chancery in it. The buel quest thing is generic and stupid, but that's only cause I rushed it.
The same reason they call it holy water is also the same reason they call it holy s***