So, yeah, here it is. Hot off the presses, so to speak. My first symphony,
Ops Via: The Journey
Originally for our teams game back in the guild wars, I decided to take the 5 or 6 smaller pieces I was writing for the final scene and combine it all into one fully realized idea.
I'm entering this into a competition that's held every year with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. I'm the only non-grad student entering. They pick three winners, and give them each 20 minutes with the orchestra for a quick rehearsal and then a sight reading. But it's the freakin' PSO! They don't need to rehearse, so really they just give you an immediate sight reading. And probably a recording of it. And maybe a grant, I'm not sure. And know what else? John Adams is conducting. John freakin' Adams! You probably don't know who he is, but he's a fantastic composer from Pittsburgh. Big fish in a relatively small pond, but it's still pretty awesome.
Could I win? Who knows. To be honest, I don't think I will. Which isn't to say I don't like this work, I think it's the best damn thing I've ever written. I just don't think my score will stand up to more experienced writers. They take a lot into consideration, not just the music but how it's notated and how well you know how to write and orchestrate for an ensemble that large. I have very little experience with orchestra writing, so I'm sure they'll find plenty of flaws in my score. So if I don't win, big deal. At least I finished it, and if it's not played in this competition, it'll be played next semester by my peers here at the school.
Movements:I.1. To the Heavens...
I.2. Cut through the stars!
I.3. The shine within reach
II.1. Though the way is shut...
II.2. A glimmer in the distance
III.1. Obliterate shadow and light
III.2. Soaring through oblivion
Anyway, here's the links. Hope you enjoy it.
Finale 2009 file. (Out Dated)TabIt file.Mp3 File [UPDATED]The UPDATED mp3 file was made with MOTU and East West Instruments. Expensive, high end stuff.
Turned out okay, lol.
PDF version of score. (Out Dated)
I'll update this thread with a (real) recording if and when it happens. I hope you enjoy.
P.S. The subtitle was not my idea. It was my comp teacher's idea. I think it's dumb, but she thought it would be clever to put something video-game related in the subtitle to provoke interest.edit: Also, update on the contest: No word. Lol, I lost. Oh well.