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Started by pookyblueXD, November 05, 2008, 12:44:07 AM

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Right click the place you want the door to be located
Look for "Quick Event Creation"
Pick a door and set the transfer location.
Now follow these steps:

1) Double click the event
2) Click on "New Event Page"
3) You should have 3 event pages. The second should be blank at this moment.
4) Copy and Paste all the event parts from the first event page onto the second event page and MAKE SURE YOU SET THE GRAPHIC!!! or you'll have no door when you HAVE the key and that's going to kill the point of this entire thing. :D
5) On the upper left area of the second event page, look for "conditions". and check "ITEM" and click on "..."
6) Now, if you were smart enough and already MADE THE DATABASE in the first place, you should be able to do this step:
           - look for the "key"'s name and set it.
7) Now you should be done.

I'm going to start making videos on Youtube sometime around Thanksgiving 11/24/08, so if you can't follow simple directions like this, you deserve to wait. :D


screenshots can do the trick faster than video on small tutorials like these.

it can help people stay on the page when they see a visual presentation.
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun


Yeah, videos are annoying. The videos usually dont get to the point and ends up being a part 2 to the video. Screen shot of this idea plz.


only idiots get off topic in videos.
and I ain't one of them


Guess this would be pretty useful to someone new..If someone doesn't understand something this simple how are they going to do anything at all with vx.


This is very simple O_o

I think it's pretty silly to open door, wait animation, there is blank space and you have to move to it just to teleport, time is of essence and normally, people who open doors just want to get inside whatever is in there. So save them time :3


lol. there's a simpler way to do it. XD and you showed him.


Quote from: pookyblueXD on November 10, 2008, 03:02:30 AM
only idiots get off topic in videos.
and I ain't one of them
You're obviously an idiot, to put it bluntly. >_> You refuse to take feedback from someone who is obviously superior than you at knowing those types of common knowledge and made a system that is highly inefficient.

Your instructions are really unclear to me and you should have told the user to make the key first because, if they're not familiar with code, they might forget where they were. Tutorials shouldn't really just tell you how to do something, but they should teach for future uses. By telling them to set up their database first, they'll know to set everything up before starting an event/system so they are more organized.

That's my two cents.