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What were your first impressions of other RMRKers? ~2008 Edition~

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Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
2014 Best Musician2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2013 Funniest Member2013 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Best Musician2013 King of RMRKFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Username2012 Best MusicianFor frequent good quality Wiki writing [citation needed]Most entertaining member on the IRC2011 Best Musician2011 Funniest Member2010 Most Missed Member

Be honest, no matter what. Also, for some of us things will be the same as last time, but we'll just think of this as a refresher then.

arlen: Was one of the funniest posters then and still is nwo. ...Now, even.
Holk: I had known of Holk before he posted here but hadn't actually had e-contact with him until he joined. We both seemed to have a lot in common and I was hoping he would stay, which he did. Holk is not funny. :mad:
Nightwolf: For those of us around long enough, we remember Nightwolf as being very annoying. He suddenly developed a sense of humor though and has some of the best quotes in IRC ever. Though lately his posts are more difficult to understand than they ever were, RMRK just wouldn't be the same without him.
Malson: Seemed like a whiny bitch LOL <3
Anski: I did not like Anski at first. Today his surly attitude is often interpreted as angst, and sometimes it is him being Angsti, but he gets more crap than he probably should... maybe. All in all he's a cool bro.
Roph: I knew him as "therophster" back in Crankeye's "blue" days. He rarely posted but once he started becoming active again we became friends.
HaloOfTheSun: The best RMRK member ever.
Nouman: I will honestly say I didn't like Nouman that much when he first joined, or at least when I first started noticing his posts. Though I'm sure he could understand why, what with the IE vs. Firefox debates and such. He quickly became one of my favorite members though and I'm glad he's stuck around for so long.
SexualBubblegumX: He came back this year, and he still lurks, so he's technically included~ I didn't find him funny at all when he first joined. There was a period where he grew on me, but by the crankeye.org days I just wished he'd go away.
Arrow: I didn't really like arrow at first either, although I can't remember why. He's become an RMRK staple, though, and I wish he would be more active in IRC.
Zxmelee: Back in the day, ZXM was the shit.

But for all the flack I give Irock, RMRK would certainly not be the same without him. Whether that's for better or worse remains to be seen, but I do like him~ :*
GilgameshRO: Thought he was awesome, right from the beginning.
Biohazard: He got on my nerves. He's ok now.
BOE: Found him utterly and completely annoying, and he was a huge spammer. Now I find some of his posts very funny and wish he would post more.
Dr_Sword: He may have been one of the most hyper member we had at the time. <3
Yossy: A GIRL ON THE INTERNET!? She had a great sense of humor that immediately made me like her - even before I knew she was a girl.
Firerain: Asshole. I like him now though.
Falcon: He tells it like it is and he can be an asshole too. But in a good way.
mastermoo420: :spam:
Zylos: I didn't notice him for a long time. Not really sure why, but none of his posts stood out to me all that much. Then it was kind of like one day he was just there, so I don't have much of a first impression, except that he's sneaky.
NAMKCOR: Didn't like him much, though I think he joined/started being active when I was either gone for a while or was losing interested in RPG Maker. Either way, he's a cool guy and it's nice to have him around in IRC.
kitkatkan: Seems a bit hyper at times, though that may just be the way I read her posts in my head. Very nice and I wish she would join IRC more.
Kefka: I couldn't believe there was someone dumber than BOE around.
Zombie: Kind of annoying, he's alright now.

Also, weeaboo.
Also, idiot.
codemeister1990: The new forum dumdum.
Dark Angel Sion: I thought at first she was Deliciously_Saucy because that's what DS told me. ._.DAS is very nice, though I don't see her post much anymroe.
Starfyre: He's only recently been posting a lot. Many of you may not know him unless you've been in IRC. I think :3 sums it up. Also <3
cjonlyyou Possibly the dumbest person I've ever met online. ... Well, maybe. He's pretty high up there on the moron list. He left RMRK because another site that shall remain nameless is so much cooler, and then he's left there like 48 times because nobody likes him.
Tezuka: I was like "Hey he's cool.". And then I found out he's black and I was like "Hey he's cool". Then I found out he thinks the word nigger is inoffensive and I was like "Hey he's cool".
garygill: OH MY GOD
Skanker: Pink.

I probably forgot at least one person so feel free to include others in your post. Gogogogogo

Level 96
2013 Best ArtistParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Game Creator (Non-RM Programs)~Bronze - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for August 2008Project of the Month winner for December 20092011 Best Game Creator (Non RM)Gold - GIAW Halloween
I'm leaving out the people I don't remember my first impressions of

arlen: met him when he was on that whole 'I'm removing letters from my name until I leave' thing, and was like "he's cool why is he leaving ;o;".  Then he didn't :3
Malson: I first saw Malson with that "pimps up ho's down" dr.doom avatar and immediately thought he was some kind of badass mod.
SexualBubblegumX: who the hell are..../b/meme /b/meme /b/meme
Irockman1: Hey lol you have the same name as m......GET AWAY FROM ME!
The best time I had with Irock was when Noumes thought I was a dupe of him and made us screenshot and shit on an IRC chan.
GilgameshRO: I saw him fuck with people's avatars and thought it was hilarious, so immediately liked Gilga.
Dr_Sword: Seemed pretty cool at first.
Yossy: Funny, great humor, and great art.  <3 Yossy
Falcon: Just the nazi we needed for the scripting forum.  The fucking mess it is.
mastermoo420: :moo:
Zylos: I noticed his midnight thread and was like "NO DOOD I WAS GOING TO MAKE A SURVIVAL HORROR GAME."  Then we became friends.  He actually inspired me to stop being a closet furry e3e;;
Kefka: Amazing Name
Zombie: worse than iRock
codemeister1990: repfag, 3 dupes, erasing posts, moron.
Dark Angel Sion: <3 the Emote meme
cjonlyyou gigantic faggot, complained about any criticism at all, thank god he's gone.
Tezuka: omg Tez rocks, I could never find all this awesome stuff without him!  WHAT A BLACK PERSON THAT KNOWS JAPANESE?!
garygill: :greenwithenvy:
billybulltwat: total faggot, but most fun project thread ever
Blizzard: totally chill guy (LOL GET IT? :V) and great scripter, made me want to script better myself.
D_S: I thought he was cool before that whole flame up with blizz and the stupid Anon posting of Blizzard's scripts.  Was cool but turned into a downer.

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
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Walking Billboard
Level 87
If i didn't talk about you, i forgot or i envisioned you to be like your avatar when i joined .-. or if not that, i imagined you as a general RMRK forum-er .-.

Roph: I thought roph was a girl for some misguided reason .-.
Holk: I didn't see you around, although i have a strong suspicion you were dr.sir. I only heard the name Holkeye while i was looking around Short Story. and i thought cool.
Zombie: Shoop-da-whoop ;o;. Oh, and Hercules.
Malson: scared me at first.
Modern Algebra: I saw you as the supportive person you are ;o;
Irock: When i learned of the wiki, i read it (Because of some odd impulse i seem to have .-.) and my first impression of you was completely ruined, so you came off as annoying at first. I'm sorry ;_;.
Arrow: seemed kind of perverted and megaman-looking.
Nickolai: I still miss you ;o; for all of that monocleness ;o;

I don't know why i judge most people by their avatars, i suppose that makes me kind of shallow  ;9

If i think of anything else, i shalt add it later.

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 King of RMRK2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 Best Counsel2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Most Mature Member2014 Best Writer2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Best IRC Chatterbox2010 Best Writer
arlen: A little holier-than-thou but it doesn't bother me anymore
Holk: Same with arlen lol
Nightwolf: Nightwolf seemed very, very annoying, but now I just lol because he can actually be really funny
Malson: Smart guy, lotsa personality issues
Anski: I was dumb ._.
Roph: lol
HaloOfTheSun: Good head on his shoulders, nothing against him
Nouman: Too easy to spark an argument with, also he quoteposted more than the fist of god
SexualBubblegumX:  :mad:
Arrow: I considered Arrow one of my friends from the first time I actually got to know him.
Zxmelee: ZACH JACK
Irockman1: Hated him with all fury, and although he hasn't grown up that much, i'd rather have current irock than past irock.
GilgameshRO: Seemed a little to overbearing with his mod powers.
Biohazard: Sort of pissed me off a little bit but he grew on me, and was one of the first people to tell me that I was retarded.
Dr_Sword: <3~
Firerain: Asshole. I like him now though.
Falcon: He tells it like it is and he can be an asshole too. But in a good way.
mastermoo420: :spam:
Zylos: I liked Zylos because he was like "just because I am a furry doesn't make me less of a person you fag"
NAMKCOR: Didn't like him much, though I think he joined/started being active when I was either gone for a while or was losing interested in RPG Maker. Either way, he's a cool guy and it's nice to have him around in IRC.
kitkatkan: Thought she was a little too overhyper, but once she got used to the forums, I like her now. :3
Kefka: I couldn't believe there was someone dumber than BOE around.
Zombie: Kind of annoying, still very dumb, alright guy when his IQ isn't showing.
God. What to say about Animefan. This is going to be the longest, by far. Animefan first came off to me as a very impressionable, almost with a hyper human personality. He seemed like he was trying SO HARD to just be as relaxed as everyone else. Then the weeaboo kicked in. I couldn't stand him because he looked stupid for so long, his knowledge of everything around him was unbelievable. His warped sense of reality, his non existent understanding of the economy and the government, I really full out hated the guy. He was one of the people, if I saw him face to face, i'd punch him with no prior reason physically between us. By this time, he came into the IRC after I did my like 50 facepalm image post to him, and that is when hell and high water started. Most people didn't see for a while why I just absolutely despised him with all of my heart. He would come into the IRC, PM me and we'd just talk. And it ended up in an argument every time. Alot of it was religion, he couldn't comprehend someone going to hell. He thought, hey, kill everyone possible, get punished, live in paradise forever. He thought that Christianity was horribly corrupted, which he did make me doubt my faith quite a bit. But it was to the point where I could not stand to talk to him because that was all it came to. He soon learned of my German decent and called me a Nazi when he felt like it. I couldn't stand it, it was horrifyingly insulting to me. Around this time, I started to question why he thought killing someone was not the theft of a human life. 4 or so 3 hour long arguments later, and he still didn't see it. By this time I started ignoring him, it was for the best. He faded in and out of the site, and eventually just came back and wanted to talk to me again. A bunch of ignored PM's later, he came back into the IRC and pm'ed me. This arguement started because I said "japan sucks," and he FLIPPED SHIT. He was swearing up a storm and screaming at me, and if i was face to face with him, I thought he would try to kill me. Eventually I revealed to him the truth. I said that because I wanted to see if he had really changed. He hadn't and I was dissapointed. To this day, I think he has finally gotten over being such a woman but it is like comparing an inch to a mile.
codemeister1990: I wish he wouldn't be so ignorant to everything.
Dark Angel Sion: omg one of my favorite people on the forums ;_;
Starfyre: I didn't like starfyre at first, just argued with him for a while, but for some reason it just faded away and now we are bros.
cjonlyyou Possibly the dumbest person I've ever met online. ... Well, maybe. He's pretty high up there on the moron list. He left RMRK because another site that shall remain nameless is so much cooler, and then he's left there like 48 times because nobody likes him.
Tezuka: This guy is great, albeit a little screwed up view on the normal, it isn't anything that surpasses the average mans craziness I guess. Also pirating things is great ;-;
garygill: OH MY GOD
Skanker: Hated him at first, than he was one of my favorite people, then he and chewey just clicked and he absorbed some of his personality and just started being cynical and mean so I just had to be mean back.
you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

Level 102
2014 Best Non-RM Creator2014 Biggest Forum Potato2014 Biggest Narcissist Award2013 Best Game Creator (Non-RM)2013 Best IRC ChatterboxParticipant - GIAW 112012 Most Successful Troll2012 Funniest Member2012 Best Use Of Avatar and Signature space2012 Best IRC ChatterboxSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for November 2009For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki2010 Best IRC Chatterbox2010 Biggest Forum Couch Potato2010 Most Successful Troll
I can't remember things very well. Most of my first impressions were pretty basic, as I didn't know the people enough. Might add more later.

Roph: I first remember him as Silverline. I liked him somewhat. He said that he dealt with a problem when I pmed him, so I liked him. (I thought he was a she)
arlen: He seemed like a pretty funny and nice guy.
HaloOfTheSun: I didn't like him. He didn't like me. Then again, people had a reason to not like me. :3
Skanker: I forget what skanker went by back then. I didn't like him lol. :*
Arrow I think he was Arrowone back then. He seemed nice person. ;o;
Malson: Zypher was his name, and I think he seemed like an ass. :mad:
Nouman: Nouman6 was great, man. All of his tutorials and whatnot. He was so helpful. ;o;
SexualBubblegumX: Fumanchu, I laughed at a few of his posts. And I saw my first pornographic picture from one of his threads.
Zxmelee: The shit.
GilgameshRO has been abusing his mod powers so much that it makes being on these forums not fun. He keeps changing my avatar. He deleted my sig that I worked hard on. He keeps messing with my look and layout preferences. He changed one of my topic titles to "Irockman is a dumbass" and he deletes all of my posts. He also deleted a whole lot of Biohazards posts. If he keeps doing things like this do you think anyone will really enjoy visiting these forums? I know I won't. Please do something.
Biohazard: Moron.
Yossy: Yossy was <3
Firerain: Ass.
Falcon: Forgot his name. He seemed like an ass.
Holkeye: Roph's loser IRC buddy.
BOE: Silly, in a good way. :x
kitkatkan: Dumb posts, but very nice person. :c
Animefan: :baww:
Deliciously_Saucy: He was an ass to me. I thought he was an ass. .-.
Blizzard: The best.
Starfyre: Loser.

Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
2014 Best Musician2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2013 Funniest Member2013 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Best Musician2013 King of RMRKFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Username2012 Best MusicianFor frequent good quality Wiki writing [citation needed]Most entertaining member on the IRC2011 Best Musician2011 Funniest Member2010 Most Missed Member
Skanker: I forget what skanker went by back then.

I think it was Lara Crawft.

HaloOfTheSun: didn't like at first but now I love


I think part of my problem with you was I kept thinking you were someone else for some reason. ZaMullet, who you probably have never heard of.

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
ahref: No personality. lol
Angelic_Diablo: Why does he keep repeating everything Fu is saying?
Animefan: Wow, he's like a worse version of me when I was 14.
Anski: Argumentative and overly defensive, but fun to talk to.
arlen: um, I knew him before I came here, so he doesn't count. But he's basically my idol so there's that. haha.
Arrowone: He makes so many fan games =x lol but back in the day it was only me, Arrow and Christina frequenting the RPG Maker sections so he was a great friend right from the start.
Arwym: Quiet, and doesn't really talk about much =/
Atemu: Sure is angry a lot =S
BOE: How many times was he dropped on his head as a child?!
Biohazard: What an antagonistic little prick. lol
Black_Shadow: lol he has the same name as my dad.
Blaze: Wow, glad he wasn't around long after I joined.
Blizzard: So friendly...and why does he post so damn much?
chewey: Thought he was a no-good troll until i got to know him. C=
Crankeye: Doesn't post much for an admin...also lol mandy moore
DAS: I didn't really have a first impression, now that I think about it. other than wondering wtf country (s)he came from.
Death           Trooper: i dont need to say anything
Deliciously_Saucy: annoying =/
Djangonator: why the fuck would i want more people like fu here? (lol irony)
Dr_Sword: haha, i used to feel intimidated by him back in the day, actually
Dwarra: why is he on every poll ?_?
Falcon: oh cool he uses RPG Maker. i dont anymore. whatever.
Final-Knight: haha rabbit-face
Firerain: he was Lac back then but he was still a dick. He's fine now though.
FuMannChu: why does everyone like him so much? he's contributing nothing
garygill: cool everyone loves him and no one knows about him
Geno: lol 8 year olds on the internet
GilgameshRO: lol all i remember about him is GilgaméshRO
Gonorrhoea: see Djangonator
HaloOfTheSun: LOL he was the first person to talk to me on here, he actually posted in RPG Maker sections back then =o
Holkeye: wtf is that name supposed to mean
Irockman1: Awesome, I love people who suck at coming up with usernames ~_~
Jalkson: can he not spell Jackson right or something =x
Jap0911: Didn't have much of an impression with her, either. Nothing really stood out.
Jesus Hitler: see Djangonator
KaireiIsORANGE: wow she's cute and friendly and nice. i wish she still came here regularly =C
Kaitenshin: lol he is and always will be "Kairei's boyfriend" to me
Kashii: i bet roph wants her
King Anesis (deadlydiablo): i love reading the same fucking welcome post over and over and over and over and over and over and over and
Kitkatkan: Spamtastic, but still good-natured.
Lackluster: awesome, he dresses scene. i bet nobody will like him.
Landofshadows: I thought he was a girl at first because of the horses and rainbows in his avatar =S
Lavata: Void of personality. haha
Leventhan: We have moo we don't need another prepube asian sewer rat
Link_999: see Irockman1
Lominisio: he was the first spamfag i remember seeing here
Lord Dante: see Lavata, ahref
Maia: oh cute, an open ended RPG
Mastermoo420: combination of Leventhan and Irockman1
modern algebra: see Falcon
NAMKCOR: awesome his name is Rockman backwards
Naphe: lol
Nightwolf: everyone else has pretty much said this one for me
Nouman: hahahaha nouman6
Rasse (Skanker/Ferenn/HornyPenguin69): never had much of an impression of him until we started talking in PMs on IRC, now we're basically the best of friends C=
Redwyn: i thought he was gay at first =S
Roph/Silverline: lol he uses tabit too ^^
SirJackRex: 13 year old, but at least he's somewhat respectful =o
Snailer: lol roel
Starfyre: I could only think of the dragonforce song with a similar title
Tezuka101: he likes to talk about his girl problems =o still a nice guy though
Tsunokiette: great, a diehard fundie xian =/
Westfield (TheBodge): he was the first person to make fun of me here =C
Winged: ~Winged
wingard: why is he acting like he's so cool for joining before roph
Yami: sweet, a replacement for Yossy
Yossy: cute sense of humor =o
Zeriab: see Holkeye
Zxmelee: video tutorials!
Zylos: it's about damn time someone here didn't act like he revolves his life around his interest in fur culture.
Zypher: ...

Furry Philosopher
Level 94
2013 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)Gold - GIAW 11 (Hard)Randomizer - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2012 Best RPG Maker User (Programming)2012 Best RPG Maker User (Mapping)Secret Santa 2012 ParticipantGold - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for September 2008For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki2011 Best RPG Maker User (Programming)2011 Best Veteran2011 Kindest Member2010 Best RPG Maker User (Events)2010 Best RPG Maker User (Story)
If I neglect anyone, it's probably because I don't remember my first impression of you. ._.

Anski: I had mixed feelings about him when I joined because he tended to be an ass people I liked. But, he turned out to be an awesome person, and the people he picked on slowly turned into asses themselves.
arlen: When I joined, he was known as emorlen and had a posted in bean bags a lot. I thought he pretty angsty.
Arrow: He was known as Edgeworth and sounded very "moderator-like", so I thought he was a pretty serious person. That is, until he changed his name to I'M IN YOUR SHOE!!! or something and showed that he wasn't serious at all. I didn't know him all that well though until we worked together in Gold Team.
Biohazard: He was (and still is) a total dick and absolutely the one chosen by Fadark.
BOE: He seemed like a nice guy, but a little too clingy or something.
Forcystus: Annoying and spamed way too much.
HaloOfTheSun: Seemed like a mature, respectable guy, but with a limited sense of humor.
Holk: I didn't really like him at first because he seemed pretty egotistical. But now he seems overly awesome.
Irockman1: I joined at a bad time. He had just been made a admin, but he was really immature and was known as 8| (to show that he was cool because he wore shades inside), so I didn't really know what to think of him at the time. Generally, I liked him and respected his mapping skills, but I disliked his attitude.
KitKatKan: A nice person, but has WAY too much sugar in her diet.
Malson: He was known as Bachyderm, and like arlen, I thought he had issues at first since he posted in Bean Bags a lot.
Modern Algebra: A nice person, but I thought he seemed a little too serious at first.
NAMKCOR: I didn't notice him at first until he commented on Midnight. I think we talked a little bit, and then like a month or two later he changed to a Sweeney Foxx avatar and I was like "Holy shit, there's more than one on the forums o_o!".
Nightwolf: If I had a little annoying brother, Nightwolf would be it. I liked him and found him funny, but he still pissed me off.
Redwyn: An extremely lovable but shy person eager to improve himself.
Skanker: I liked him because he was a nice person. I couldn't help but think he was a girl though. ._.
Starfyre: An awesome, likable person, but like Skanker, I thought he was either a girl or gay. ._.
Yossy: <3<3<3
Zombie: I just thought he was annoying. Still do, actually, but he seems a little less so lately.
Zylos: I fell instantly in love with him when we first met and... oh, wait... n_n;;
« Last Edit: October 28, 2008, 04:14:28 AM by Chris Murphy »

Level 86
Holk: He is cool and we share a name. ;o;
Nightwolf: He, along with Dr_Sword, were among the first to talk to me in IRC, so I thought he was cool. He still is. .-.
Malson: Honestly, I don't remember much of him when I first joined. However, we're pretty similar, and he is cool.
Anski: I didn't like him at first because he was mean to me. ;o;
Roph: Roph never said anything to me until a few months ago when I posted my picture. He's ok I guess. :3
HaloOfTheSun: I always thought he was cool. :*
Nouman: lol I thought he was cool when I lurked, but then when I joined I thought he was an ass. Now he's ok.
SexualBubblegumX:  Fat ass god damn faggot. :mad:
Zxmelee: He was cool and stuff.
Irockman1: No one else liked him so I jumped on the bandwagon. ;3
Biohazard: An idiot. Still is.
Dr_Sword: He, along with Nightwolf, were among the first to talk to me in IRC, so he was cool. He is awesome. ;o;
Firerain: Idk, he was cool I think. >_>
Zylos: He was nice and still is .-.
NAMKCOR: I remember he was cool because we were in BAG together. :3
kitkatkan: An interesting character. Hard to get used to, but she at least brings life to this place. Also lol Irock likes her. :3
Zombie: He was cool when I joined, but I don't know what happened. ;-;
codemeister1990: An ignorant slut.
Starfyre: Man I love this guy. I don't know how I'd live without him. Also, he is the only guy whose penis I have touched. ;o;
Skanker: I was having trouble with his gender when I first joined and participated in BAG, but now he is awesome and stuff.
Wingard: I never really paid attention to him at first. He was ok. Then he got faggoty, and now he's ok because he likes Monster Hunter too. :3
chewey: I kinda didn't like him at first for no real reason, but he's cool.
Atemu: lol BAG drama.
Falcon: see Atemu.
Tsuno: Pretty cool. Also BAG.
Link: He was a pretty cool dude. Also CoD4 lol. ~_~
Animefan: I didn't even need to come in contact with him and I could see his faggotry. Srsly, Japan is cool, but you're the biggest fucking weeaboo faggot I have seen. :|

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
I've omitted some that I don't really know. Sorry if you're not on here~
ahref: I always thought he was like a machine. Very RM capable.
Animefan: Whiny and boring.
Anski: One of my favorite people.
arlen: At first, kind of clashed a bit. I think this is because we have a lot in common, though.
Arrowone: One of the kindest, nicest people I've met here. Still is.
Arwym: I liked her right off the bat because she was so honest, but in a friendly way.
Atemu: Kind of a douche at first, but is a lot better now.
BOE: I didn't like BOE, because I didn't understand him. Now I wish he'd be around more.
Biohazard: Unabashedly hilarious.
Black_Shadow: One of the best RPG makers around.
Blizzard: I liked Blizz a lot, but he was childish sometimes.
chewey: I knew him from ffs, so yeah. That should say a lot.
Crankeye: Don't talk to him a lot.
DAS: If not Asian, then a total weeaboo.
Deliciously_Saucy: Hated at first, but loved after time.
Djangonator: One of my best friends from here. I miss her.
Dr_Sword: I thought he acted young, but I've seen him mature a lot.
Falcon: Unforgivingly honest. Awesome.
Firerain: One of the only people that has tastes for punk like I do. A great asset to me here.
Forcystus: Felt bad because everyone cuts up on him. Still do.
FuMannChu: Liked him at first, but got tired of his ego.
garygill: Amazing artist, but I don't know much other than that.
Geno: Dumbass
GilgameshRO: EGOTISTICAL, but I love him.
Gonorrhoea: Asshole.
HaloOfTheSun: A musical genius. I feel like I'm a better person for knowing him here.
Holkeye: The greatest man who has ever lived.
Irockman1: Consistantly antagonistic.
Jalkson: Pretty cool, but seemed like someone who hung out in the background.
Jap0911: Endearing in her innocence.
Jesus Hitler: Asshole.
KaireiIsORANGE: Always chipper and cheerful.
Kashii: Sweet. Had an online "fling" with her, but it never panned out.
Kitkatkan: Finally a normal girl here. Hyper, but very amicable.
Landofshadows: Can. Not. Understand.
Leventhan: Harmless and joyful.
Link_999: Very likable,
Maia: Accomplished RPG maker. Also, quite cute.
Mastermoo420: Immature, but in a good way.
modern algebra: Mathematical genius. Do not contradict this man on mathematics.
NAMKCOR: Didn't know him at first, but I've come to like him a lot.
Nightwolf: Not sure if he's really young.
Nouman: Very down to Earth and helpful.
Rasse (Skanker/Ferenn/HornyPenguin69): Thought he was a girl, but always liked him.
Roph/Silverline: The only person I would ever have a gay experience with.
SirJackRex: I think he was Mexenito or something when he first joined, and I liked him off the bat. Haven't talked a lot lately though.
Starfyre: You know, as much as I like Starfyre now, I don't really remember meeting him.
Tezuka101: Generous and kind hearted. Cares for other members.
Tsunokiette: Kind of annoying with the religion thing, but it's cool. To each his own.
wingard: Feel bad for him. He takes a lot of shit, and I've never seen him do anything deserving of it.
Yami: I liked her a lot. She's not too prissy, yet refined.
Yossy: Reserved. I felt weird saying certain things around her.
Zeriab: Alien.
Zxmelee: Didn't know him at first, but I think he's awesome now.
Zylos: I didn't know him at first, either, but I've come to respect his opinions a lot.
Zypher: I liked Zypher off the bat, because we have similar musical tastes, and he was instantly welcoming of me.

Level 88
NAMKCOR: awesome his name is Rockman backwards
Holy crap :o

I've never really spent much time on the forums and I can't really remember how I felt about most people when I first joined but I'll try .-.:

Anski: I can't remember whether or not I liked him. I probably didn't like him. He used /b/ memes a lot
Arlen: Didn't like him because he didn't like me (I think). I'm kind of neutral with him now buttt if we ever actually talked we could probably get along. Maybe.
Biohazard: Cool. lol :(
BOE: I liked 'im.
Deliciously_Saucy: Ew gross I don't know even know OH GOD what is this oh geez.
Dr Sword: Thought he was 20+. Kind of intimidating at the time, but I thought he was funny.
Firerain: Annoying, grumpy fart. I like him now though, pretty much.
FuMannChu: :|
GilgameshRO: Always confused him with HaloOfTheSun
HaloOfTheSun: Always confused him with GilgameshRO
Holk: I vaguely remembered him from FFS. I thought he was a girl. I didn't like him because I thought he didn't like me (he probably didn't
Irockman1: I thought he was cool cos he was my Nintenbro.
Malson: Cynical, opinionated and other similar words. Kind of sounds like me.
Rasse: Malson's friend, closet (thought he was at the time, woops) gay. Always liked him but he says I used to be mean to him so idk
Roph: Sarah's friend and a pervert :3 Always been neutral with him. Thanks for the forum, champ :*
SirJackRex: Always liked him - I never understood why people had(have?) a problem with him. Also my Nintenbro
Starfyre: I can't even remember meeting him but I think we've always been friends. Maybe.
Strike: Thought he was pretty unfunny. Also kind of intimidating.
Wingard: Eh, I liked him back then. I don't think much of him now though. I guess he's alright.
Most people with Z as the first letter of their names: I always confused you for eachother. Except for Zeriab - he's my favourite alien.

That's all I can remember lol sorry :(
« Last Edit: October 28, 2008, 10:47:36 AM by Joshua Reece »

Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician
This is too hard. I only know like half the people on Malson's giant list, and those people I don't even really remember how I felt about them at first. :\

I'll try again later.


Level 91
Sexual Deviant
I'm not annoying anymore though right guys? Right ;-;

But I shall attempt the list, and if your on here, I don't remember my first impression of you.

Angelic_Diablo: Random
Animefan: Retarded guy that makes dumb comments.
Anski: Angry->But he's cool now
arlen: Awesome.
Arrowone: MEGAMAN
Arwym: Nice, friendly
Atemu: Extended Period?
BOE: Random, but made me lol
Blizzard: Cool
chewey: Mildly humorous
Crankeye: where is he?
DAS: Nice, friendly
Dr_Sword: funny, but dislikes me for some reason
Dwarra: who is this man?
Falcon: extremely particular about his scripts section
Firerain: he made this cool sig for me.
FuMannChu: Funny->Complete Retard
GilgameshRO: MAN
Holkeye: why so serious?
Irockman1: some other guy on the forum
Kitkatkan: SPAM, but funny sometimes
Landofshadows: Oh look, somebody who uses RPG Maker
Leventhan: Pirate
Maia: ohmygosh hi how are you ;-;
Mastermoo420: Cow
modern algebra: Why so serious?
Nightwolf: kid
Roph/Silverline: Oh look, another admin that says nothing
Winged: ~Winged
Zeriab: Alien
Zylos: Oh look, a wolf.

Level 87
ahref: Very helpful dude.
Animefan: Heh..heh.... Already been said by others XD
Anski: My first friend on RMRK, kinda....I forgot, actually ;\
Arrowone: Daaaayaaum, good spriter ;o
Arwym: A very kind girl - I hope her life goes well now ;-;
Atemu: YU-GI-OH! :D!
BOE: Pedofile...^^''
Black_Shadow: Mapping god ;o
chewey: <_<... Irock's brother. XD
DAS: Awesomeawesomeawesome ;[
Dr_Sword: RWARGRR!
Dwarra: Who is this?
Falcon: Straight to the damn point ;3
Forcystus: Nose.
garygill: LOOKS SEXY ;D Orgasmic Art ;3
GilgameshRO: Helpful ;D
HaloOfTheSun: No real impression, just omnipotent ;o!
Irockman1: Fucking crazy.
Leventhan: ARRR~!
Maia: Creates interesting projects that people can join in ;o
Mastermoo420: Hmmm... Moo..nice but gets told he FAILS by everyone ;[
modern algebra: Good scripter
NAMKCOR: AWESOME GUY - Who forgot to mention me ;[
Nightwolf: "What the hell did he say...? o.O"
Nouman: Nouma Nouma Yay <____<
Rasse (Skanker/Ferenn/HornyPenguin69):I miss playing games with my friend Skanky D:
Roph/Silverline: Mysterious ;o
Tezuka101: Instant bros, man ;D
wingard: LEAVE WINGARD ALONE~! lolz
Zeriab: Alien Filled With Hugs
Zxmelee: Video tutorials.
Zypher: Wow, you made my first poem uber ;3

[Sorry if I forgot anyone ;3]

Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician
I'll try again with Forcy's list.

Angelic_Diablo: I think we fought when I first met you. Over something stupid, but we weren't really being serious about fighting. I never hated you or anything.
Animefan: My opinion of him now is the same as it was before. He takes things too seriously, real or internets. Sadly, he reminds me of how I used to be a long time ago.
Anski: Apparently you've been around for a while. I never actually noticed you until very recently, like around the time of the Mac debates. Before that, though, I THINK you were the guy with the Asuka avatar, which made me think you were awesome. I still think you're a cool guy, just a little rough sometimes.
Arrowone: MEGAMAN PORN. Lol, funny guy, nice, easy to get along with.
BOE: Random spammer, but kind of funny and good at ot.
Blizzard: I thought he was cool, but was the nerdiest guy on this forum. :=
chewey: More focused spammer, but sort of funny. A little too serious at times, though. (For a spammer)
Crankeye: Who? lol
DAS: You blend in well. Not in a good or bad way. You're just very agreeable and nice. lol
Dr_Sword: I thought you were an idiot at first. Mainly because of the .gifs you made around the time Geno was here, lol. But that was then.
Dwarra: Always thought he was kind of a dick.
Firerain: I hated you, and thought you were incredibly immature for someone your age. But then I started talking to you in IRC. You're a nice guy afterall.
FuMannChu: I've always felt that the internet didn't really fit a person like him. He should be out fixing cars or something.
garygill: EPIC ART SKILLS (copied, but yeah)
GilgameshRO: Much nicer/funnier back when I first met him.
Holkeye: Another music dude! Sweet! Never really talked to you back then, though, so I didn't really have any thoughts about you.
Irockman1: weirdo who spammed a lot and took the internet very seriously
Kitkatkan: typical girl on the internet (i.e. center of attention). But you're cool now.
Landofshadows: Old guy from foreign lands that acts smart. But you are smart, so, ~
Malson: immature kid that grew up a bit lol
Maia: typical girl on the internet, but even more HEY LOOK IM PRETTY
Mastermoo420: Spammer that worshipped me for some reason. But I'm used to that (Malson ;) )
modern algebra: Hilarious. :)
Nightwolf: Indian kid. Your crappy grammar and spelling used to really annoy me.
Roph/Silverline: You used TabIt, so I thought you were a cool guy. I still do, but you talk even less now. :(
Zeriab: Friendly guy!
Zylos: I almost mistook you for an animefan archetype, but I was sorely mistaken.

If I left people out it's because I don't remember them or haven't really interacted with them at all.


Level 96
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Hard Mode)2013 Biggest Drama Whore2013 Zero to HeroParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.
Animefan: I liked him, and still do.
Anski: /4/tard
arlen: I thought he was an old member.
Arrowone: asumsis jurk ass
Blizzard: Ass face
chewey: ...
Crankeye: I've only seen one post by him. ;o;
Dr_Sword: back yard. :3
Falcon: butt face
FuMannChu:  :pw:
garygill: I wanted to have his babies and still do. ;o;
Holkeye: Something about getting high off poo.
Irockman1: somebody who would leave after spamming for 3 days.
Mastermoo420: Cow
Nightwolf: Pedo pretending to be a kid.
Roph/Silverline: We're butt buddies.
Winged: ~Winged
Zeriab: He makes stuff.
Zylos: Know it all, new member that would be driven out in 3 days.

Last Stop
Level 88
Everyone Off
Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.Secret Santa 2012 ParticipantSilver - GIAW 10Silver - GIAW 92011 Biggest Drama WhoreBronze - GIAW HalloweenGold - Game In A Week VII
AnimeFan: where the fuck did he come from was my first reaction to him, i think i was away the week he joined or something.
Anski: Seemed pretty cool, and while he is, he likes to troll to a small extent.
Arlen: Beard. Awesome.
Arrow: pretty cool guy
Biohazard: complete and utter dick but doesn't post enough to be paticularly annoying
chewey: i thought he hated me :< but now we talk often
Dwarra: :V
Dr Sword: a cool and funny dude
Firerain: immature for his age, easy to make mad (mom's basement :V) but he's a good guy generally
Fu: At first i thought he was pretty cool but then i realized he just has his moments.
Garygill: why is this guy posting here he should have money and bitches galore  ;8
Holk: NOT FUNNY, actually i don't remember what i thought of holk but he's a cool guy.
Irock: "goddamn he's here too?" I've known irock since FFshrine (not that i was in ffshit for more than a month i just can't remember a date) was still on xelium, he alwaysed rubbed me the wrong way, but i have to say i like him a lot better than i did then.
Jalkson: We like the same hockey team so that's how we got to know eachother.
Mastermoo420:  :moopost:
Malson: had his pimps up ho's down Dr. Doom avatar thus he was awesome.
Namkcor: namco, later i found out he was a decent furry who isn't all I'M A FURRY GIVE ME ATTENTION
Roph: silent leader guy
Starfyre: Lol teen titans :V, Awesome real name.
Wingard: sometimes he can be childish but he IS like 12
Zylos: A cool guy who happens to be a furry and doesn't make a big deal out of it.

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 King of RMRK2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 Best Counsel2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Most Mature Member2014 Best Writer2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Best IRC Chatterbox2010 Best Writer
Anski: Before that, though, I THINK you were the guy with the Asuka avatar, which made me think you were awesome.

I was the guy with the Asuka avatar .-.
you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

Walking Billboard
Level 87
i feel special because only two people left me out  :tpg:

Meet me in the middle
Level 89
or left of the dial.
For frequently finding and reporting spam and spam botsSecret Santa 2012 Participant
ahref: Great dude. Very helpful.
Animefan: What is the deal with AF? I liked him when he joined, I talked to him every now and then. Then he started whipping up shitstorm after shitstorm. Everyone grew tired of and annoyed of him, and so did I.
Anski: Liked him when I talked to him in IRC. Then we started hating eachother. We're cool now though. Pretty cool dude.
arlen: Didn't really talk to him much, I respected him though. Great guy, fun to talk to. =x
Arrowone: Arrow, arrow, arrow. Arrow is pretty awesome, when I first met him he was super cool, still is. =x
Arwym: I liked her, she was nice. Although she was a little whiny at times, but who isn't.
Black_Shadow: Incredible mapper. Nice guy, although sometimes hard to understand.
Blizzard: Didn't really know him. =x
chewey: Thought he was just some lame spammer. He's pretty cool, actually.
Deliciously_Saucy: Thought he was a girl. =x
Djangonator: Haha Djang, I remember talking to her/him(??) in IRC when I first joined. Funny person.
Dr_Sword: Swordo, thought he was awesome when I first met him. He still is.
Falcon: Blunt and to the point. I like him.
Firerain: Grumpy old cunt.
Forcystus: Saw him as a spammer. He's alright, I try not to be too hard on him.
FuMannChu: Don't know what to say, didn't know him that well. But judging by what I've seen, looked like kind of an idiot.
garygill: <3
HaloOfTheSun: Overall awesome dude. I respected him, he didn't like me at first. We're cool now, though. =x
Holkeye: Respected him when I first saw him around here. He's great, we're pretty good e-friends. ;v We have similar tastes in music.
Irockman1: Annoying. Not all the time. I actually like him, just like to give him a rough time too.
Jalkson: JALKSUN <3 Great guy.
Kitkatkan: Hyper female teenager. =x Quite funny and random.
modern algebra: Incredibly smart and witty.
NAMKCOR: Didn't really know who he was at first. Turns out he is quite awesome.
Nightwolf: Doesn't make sense 3/4 of the time. I like him.
Nouman: Noumannn, we clashed a bit. We're cool now.
Rasse (Skanker/Ferenn/HornyPenguin69): Don't know what to say. A nice guy, usually. =x
Roph/Silverline: Pretty cool. Doesn't talk much.
Starfyre: An overall cool dude. Quite funny at times.
Tezuka: Extremely helpful. Uploading all that crap for us <3. Very kind to others.
Wingard: I don't know, I like him. Just not when he's being Mr. Know-It-All.
Zeriab: Extremely, extremely kind and happy. When he's around, it's always a good mood.
Zombie: A cool guy, I think. He's alright most of the time. Most people are a little hard on him, including me.
Zylos: Incredibly smart. I respected and like him.
Zypher: Malson! Incredibly outgoing. You cannot embarrass this man. I like him a lot.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2008, 01:57:36 AM by Firerain »

I love Firerain
Level 97
I love how a few people thought me to be an adult pretending to be a kid.
Which is true.

and why the frigg dont you cows think i make sense ;-;

Using Malsons list cuz lol @ alphabetical
also, lol @ how anski gave a huge impression of animefan. I think he's just a git.

ahref: He was quiet before but now I see him often during my special moments in the IRC. Good at web-designing.
Angelic_Diablo: Used to be a great friend...Don't see him that often.
Animefan: Git.
Anski: Doesn't do cool stuff, but I love him =D.
arlen: Yeah, he's cool...also, very good at composing. It's like he attends music school :V
Arrowone: Good Friend. I irritate him a lot but he's one of the few who knows how to take a joke. From inside, he knows that I love him (if he doesn't then he probably will after reading this)
Arwym: Good friend, but very inactive so dunno much.
Atemu: Awesome e-humps =D
BOE: He doesn't make much sense which is why I like him. I dislike him for the same reason cuz, he's like me.
Biohazard: First to stick a match up the butts of idiots. <3
Black_Shadow: lol, awesome. We used to play black and white, didn't we?
Blaze: LOL
Blizzard: Great scripter and great guy. Like arrow, he knew how to take a joke. I didn't like the reason he left. Very kiddish to me.
chewey: Good taste of music + awesomeness
Crankeye: lol, in the blue days he used to somewhat post. I used to have great times with him on the IRC when I was bored and no-one was there and.....
DAS: Awesome <3
Death Trooper: lol, good friend, but he didn't know how to take a joke which is why he left
Deliciously_Saucy: Just like blizzard (without the scripting skills) Pedolove <3
Djangonator: The girl of my man's dreams.
Dr_Sword: He inspired me to burn dogs after I saw his backyard on fire.
Dwarra: Ilu dwarra <3
Falcon: Pretty serious guy, by which i mean....Serious.
Final-Knight: lol dunno much.
Firerain: Great guy. He can take a joke and he's just awesome <3
Forcystus: lol, like me but ...better. Thats why people hate him.
FuMannChu: Friend, but i don't exactly LIKE him
garygill: Teach me something and i'll double the price of the blademaster, baby
Geno: lol 8 year old, broke me record
GilgameshRO: HE HAD A Huge Huge huge huge huge penis.
Gonorrhoea: lol only an I.D/E.D guy...he was the lulz
HaloOfTheSun: He actually joined a month before me but..he's too awesome. Better at posting/rpg/composing. Maybe his being 10 years older than me has got something to do with that. But that doesn't stop our <3
Irockman1: He's a good friend, he can take a joke. I love irritating him. He's actually pretty awesome.
Jalkson: I love to talk to the jalk.
Jap0911: Good friend and good taste in music. I got a lot of good songs because of her =D
Jesus Hitler: lol @ name. Never read his posts much but he was a serious guy it seems
KaireiIsORANGE: LOL, i know is who is you are is, Kairei. ;-; Reminds me of anski..the name. Nice member =D
Kaitenshin: Good guy. Dunno much
Kashii: She was like...awesome. Ilu Kashii, come back <3
King Anesis (deadlydiablo): Just wish i could get on his site. He's awesome.
Kitkatkan: I love her because she spams and doesn't make sense, I hate her cuz that again is like me. But she can be serious, so I have to learn. (nickname : Yoda)
Kitten: lol, didn't get to know her much and then she left. Edit: Now that she's back, <3
Lackluster: I like him, dunno why he left. Funny guy for the IRC.
Landofshadows: Awesome guy, great friend. Very intelligent and skilled.
Lavata: lol, arcanine avatar <3
Leventhan: Fun to do...i mean. irritate. Wuv you bish <3
Link_999: Good friend and frequently uploads stuff I like.
Lominisio: or was he the guy with the arcanine avatar?
Lord Dante: sorta boring, but he was a nice guy.
Maia: Good friend and great rpg maker.
Mastermoo420: Like me but...dunno..I feel like..people take the anger of me out on him. Good4me
modern algebra: He's one of the RPG guys who can be fun. GET ON IRC, BISH.
NAMKCOR: Sorta the opposite of irock lol. Ever since he became Cecil, he's become real serious (or maybe its me). I still try though, to get him to flame me =D
Naphe: Best guy, he pwned roph, he pwned gilga, he pwned arlen down the the fucking core. He even shut down arlens web. I mean...just to awesome. Then we have zypher telling us he was stupid. Silly zypher.
Nightwolf: lol, when I read my posts, even i'm like "Dude, wtf was i thinking. Was I drunk or something?" still, I don't exactly care if people hate me cuz i won't change until i'm like...16-17. I've seen Zypher...and thats why i'm taking precautions from an early age. <3 nw.
Nouman: Devil of an Alaskian nigger.
Rasse (Skanker/Ferenn/HornyPenguin69): Err, you can actually say that he's my best friend around here. The thing is that his timezone and mine are pretty much close so we get to talk/play aoe or something more often than i get to do with zypher. Also, i know a lot about him and all. Pretty awesome guy. Wouldn't like it if he left.
Redwyn: lol. He was there, occasionaly some good posts. He still is there, occasionaly some bad posts. <3
Roph/Silverline: Alright, time for a big one in his......impressions. Err, he never takes me seriously which is why I love him and feel eager to get him angry. He knows a lot about ..everything related to...anything so he's pretty much awesome. His face reminds me of mine, which is why I feel sad for him. When I say "lol, roph is a bitch", I actually mean "Dude, flame me back ffs"
SirJackRex: Serious 13 year old = lol
Snailer: lol real slow :V
Starfyre: He's like arrow and can take a joke. He doesn't reply though, but i'll eventually *get him to do that*. He's awesome, his posts are awesome, he plays aoe2 awesome, talking with him on the irc is awesome, gheysex with him is awesome.
Tezuka101: I didn't know much about him before RMRK Trading, but now I feel he's awesome. I just hope someday, when he sees the stars in the night sky, he thinks "I wish nightwolf were up there, choking to his fucking death"
Tsunokiette: Get back here, you peenist.
Westfield (TheBodge): lol <3
Winged: Like a bird at starts, but now it seems that her wings have falled....and inactive. Good friend
wingard: lol he says that anski says and star says that he's says that anski and star says that he's fag. But he's nice, i guess. I used to hate him before, tho.
Yami: Awesome member, good in rpg and good friend. Come back yamiyamiyami <3
Yossy: I read al her posts but never got to know her...she's awesome tho <3
Zeriab: He's always there for me ;-;. He knows a lot about eventing, which is great. He makes puzzle games and a lot of tuts and scripts/events, which is great. He's great, which is great. Martians = great. For some reason, I know believe that martians are super-mathematicians, all because of you <3
Zxmelee: Hey Arnold! <3
Zylos: He revolves his life and fun under fur culture. I mean, good guy. I like to piss him off cuz it gives me the lulz. For some reason, pissing him off feels better than pissing arrow/nouman off, i guess because we don't meet often. Cute arctic fox, tho.
Zypher: I still and like always will call him zypher cuz, thats how i knew him. He used to whine but I loved it cuz it gave me a chance to reply with something silly. He's become more serious now, but we still meet quite often.

All the old members, who left are just awesome (which is why they left. I feel that a conspirancy lead by Roph and Halo took place to kick every awesome member. But they couldn't kick Crankster cuz, he's the admin u c :V)

Yes, i got schizophrenia and am currently in the state of mental shock cuz i just saw a cat burning.

Cat burning = fail
dog burning = ownage.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2008, 12:28:41 PM by nightwolf »
Arlen is hot.

Shadow Knight
Level 91
Ruin that brick wall!
Project of the Month winner for October 2008
ahref: Nice person, adept at web design and rpg maker too =)
Angelic_Diablo: Good friend, wonder why he never came back.
Animefan: Eh.
Anski: Cool, agressive, but likeable.
arlen: Good-looking composer whose compsing skills are far above mine. >_<
Arrowone: Upbeat and nice, sprites very well.
Arwym: Friendly and sweet, hope she comes back.
Atemu: lol Yugi-Oh
BOE:Love you for some reason I had forgotten. :-*
Biohazard: Fun funny person.
Black_Shadow:No longer active expert mapper.
Blaze: -rep
Blizzard:The scripter I once aspire to be as skilled in scripting as in the early days.
chewey:IRC regular, able to pull off hilarious gags.
Crankeye: One of the wisemen in RMRK
DAS:Soul Raves :3
Deliciously_Saucy: Never really knew him/her :/ but lol photos
Djangonator: Loved by oldor members
Dwarra:#1 Vote option :V
Falcon:Strict but reasonable.
Final-Knight:Likable member, no longer active.
Firerain:Experienced Photoshop user and likeable member:D
Forcystus: Nose
garygill: Godly artist <3
GilgameshRO: Demi-God of sorts
Gonorrhoea:I'm scared of the username :(
HaloOfTheSun:Mature and awesome in composing.
Holkeye:One of my favourite members. :)
Jalkson:Monkey reaper
Jap0911:Kind and caring member.
Jesus Hitler:Adolf Christ's dupe
KaireiIsORANGE: ;8
Kaitenshin:  ;8
Kitkatkan:Pretty nice member, eh? :)
Landofshadows: The awesome RM resource creator
Lominisio: One with RMRK, likes riddles.
Lord Dante: Nice member. No longer active.
Maia:Awesome RMing skills. Good looks.
Mastermoo420:Loved by the community.
modern algebra:Mature, Intelligent, and expert in scripting.
NAMKCOR:One my favorite members.
Nightwolf:Funny and very likable. Indian lol
Nouman:Tech-savvy and cool person.
Rasse (Skanker/Ferenn/HornyPenguin69):<3<3
Redwyn:Good pals with Zylos
Roph/Silverline:The one and only.
SirJackRex: ;8
Starfyre:Active poster and fairly new member.
Tezuka101:Master of the trading section.
Tsunokiette:Caramelldansen ;9
Yami:Awesome Quest tutorial.
Yossy:Capable artist, female.
Zeriab:Alien and awesome scripter.
Zxmelee:The shit.
Zylos:I love you <3
Zypher:Veteran and experienced with TabiT :3
Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Level 96
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Hard Mode)2013 Biggest Drama Whore2013 Zero to HeroParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.

Cat burning = fail
dog burning = ownage.

Thats reminds me of the time I set my cat on fire. XD
Spoiler for >_>:
No, really... I set my cat on fire. It was a small fire and I put it out fast. >_>
The cat was fine and didn't really seem to notice.

Level 91
Queen Princess
2013 Most Missed Member2012 Most Missed Member;o hee hee <3For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki
ahref: I've always liked you :3 Bugging for facepix was fun.
Angelic_Diablo: New Zealand. Neutral opinion.
Animefan: I find him really funny. Never been able to take him seriously, but you know... laughing at him by myself is real fun. Gosh I'm so mean to him at times sorry ;o;
Anski: I may have thought he was cool once but nowadays I just think of him as an asshole.
arlen: Dunno, forum mod. Never talked to him.
Arrowone: I like Arrow. Talked to him a bunch and stuff and he's real nice :3
Arwym: I talk to her now and then. She's fun and informative (lol) to talk to.
Atemu: Girl on her period but she's real nice company imo
BOE: lol random :3 in a good way
Biohazard: In my eyes trying to look cool by being all emotionless and stuff. Meh.
Black_Shadow: I like this guy, wish you were on IRC more =(
chewey: We got off to a bad start I think :3
DAS: Otaku or something. A nice person though :)
Deliciously_Saucy: Kinda miss DS in a bad way. Can't say I really enjoyed the company but eh.
Djangonator: Always liked you, soul sister.
Dr_Sword: I can't remember, we got off to a good start I think and liked eachother and stuff. Can't remember ;-;
Falcon: Jerk :mad: but kinda cool at times
Final-Knight: lol you're first on my friend list ._. we got along
Firerain: Anger management problems. He's real cool now that he's all cooled down though :)
FuMannChu: lol yuck. Too much filth in one big bag.
garygill: nice pictures you got but I don't know you
GilgameshRO: Hey there big feller you were always so cool ._>
HaloOfTheSun: Always admired him from a distance cos he's kinda neat and cool :3
Holkeye: Didn't like at first but as I've talked to him I've realized he's pretty neat
Irockman1: If you only stopped going completely bonkers randomly you'd be my best RMRK bud.
Jalkson: My big oak tree :> Jalk is a cool stalk.
Jesus Hitler: Kinda like oil to me, hard to grasp.
KaireiIsORANGE: I really wish I could chat with her more, I always thought of her as one of the coolest members
Kashii: Kinda like Atemu, but more internet dialogue
Kitkatkan: Don't know you. I guess you're nice.
Landofshadows: I never had a good talk with you, which is a shame. Always was cool to me
Lavata: Void of personality.
Leventhan: Used to spam a bunch at first, but a lot nicer now =) like it
Maia: Russian beauty queen. Pleasingly nice to others though.
Mastermoo420: Lol. Lol. haha Lol :P
modern algebra: He's a bit pissy as of late or something idk. Always admired him from a distance like Halo.
Nightwolf: Probably my best RMRK buddy cos he's actually a real sensitive boy under all that silly stuff he puts up :3 I like him.
Nouman: Never paid you much attention lol :(
Redwyn: I wish we played games still, too ;-;
Roph/Silverline: Asks for pix and then leaves you. Cheap whore :mad:
SirJackRex: Young and bright. He disappeared somewhere or sth idk.
Starfyre: I thought of Dragonforce at first too, and I've never even listened to it. He's awesome though :3
Tezuka101: RMRK Trading. Let's leech of him =)
Tsunokiette: Always associated him with hardcore religion stuff.
Winged: ~Winged
wingard: Stop being so snobby-like
Yossy: Pink pink pink pink we have a lot in common ._.
Zeriab: My coffee addicted martian >:3
Zxmelee: Penis in a youtube video
Zylos: A cool fox or wolf or whatever it was :3 I'm guess fox
Zypher: lol, used to talk with him a lot back in the old days <3 it's gone down a little now but we're still up and going sometimes mang
:taco: :taco: :taco:

I love Firerain
Level 97
I'm not sensetive you litte...

Arlen is hot.