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Patching System

Started by Yeyinde, October 02, 2008, 03:14:24 AM

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VX Patching System
Version: 2.0 Beta
Author: Yeyinde
Date: October 1, 2008

Version History

  • <Version 2.0> Release

Planned Future Versions

  • <Version 2.1> Fixes to the help window and audio deletion
  • <Version 2.2> Add an internal versioning system for dependancied


This script allows you to "patch" your released RPG Maker VX game with small-ish files, rather than having to upload the fixed version every time.  The script has the ability to alter game data (Actors, Enemies, Items, Maps, etc.), graphics, and even music and sound effects.  It can even add to existing scripts!


  • Patches data, graphics, and audio
  • Easy to use patch creator
  • Security to prevent hacked or unwanted patches from working
  • Patches can be used to add extra content!


  • Insert the following .txt file into a new script section directly above "Main" and below any custom script entries.
  • In "Main", add the following line right before the line that says "begin": Patcher.start
  • In "Main", add the following line right at the end: Patcher.finish
  • Modify the constants in "PatchConfig" to suit your needs.
  • Create patches by calling "$scene =" with the "Script..." command.  Press the A button on an item to get some info on it. Select ">>Finish" to create the dated patch.


Because the script is too large to be posted (~229 KB)


  • Yeyinde (Core)
  • Minero Aoki (FileUtils)
  • Ruby Standard Library (Find)
  • Mauricio Julio Ferna'ndez Pradier and Austin (Minitar)


Post here if you need help.

Author's Notes

Currently, the help window is blank due to a small issue with it refusing to update, even after explicit calls.   Also, there is an issue with audio deletion if a patched audio file is being played.  A small workaround is in effect, but I'd rather fix the issue directly.


Free to use in free games. $20 commercial license for commercial games.

modern algebra

This looks pretty wicked Yeyinde. What a fantastic idea.

Best new member ever <3


holy crap that kicks so much ass.
I hope someone can actually make use of this, it'd make distributing games so much simpler.

Any chance of an XP version? xD
(or is the RGSS not powerful enough or something?)

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
Follow my project: MBlok | Find me on: Bandcamp | Twitter | Patreon


Question. Can't patching be done without a script? Say by replacing the .rgss file.


Quote from: Rukaroa on October 02, 2008, 12:21:29 PM
Question. Can't patching be done without a script? Say by replacing the .rgss file.

that wouldn't replace the data files and audio files though.
a patch essentially adds new information and overwrites -specified- info that changed, without touching anything that stays the same.  So only new resources need to be included in a patch, instead of every last resource in the game.
making updates a lot quicker to download.

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
Follow my project: MBlok | Find me on: Bandcamp | Twitter | Patreon


Quote from: modern algebra on October 02, 2008, 03:27:25 AM
This looks pretty wicked Yeyinde. What a fantastic idea.

Best new member ever <3
Thank you :)

Quote from: NAMKCOR on October 02, 2008, 12:15:07 PM
Any chance of an XP version? xD
(or is the RGSS not powerful enough or something?)
I actually was going to do an XP version, but I stopped working on it because it would have been too difficult to integrate into the default scripts.

Quote from: Rukaroa on October 02, 2008, 12:21:29 PM
Question. Can't patching be done without a script? Say by replacing the .rgss file.
My original plan was to have a script generate stand-alone exes that directly modify .rgssad/.rgss2a files.  I had the technology, however the speed that it ran at was way too slow to be of any use.  However, I recently discovered a new technology which might just let me restart this script.


All right, makes sense. I'll give it a shot in the future at least. (Still setting up the databases and such.)


Welcome here Yeyinde and nice script again ^_^
I thought you didn't do an XP version because people nagged you too much. I didn't realize it was an excuse xD

Great work
- Zeriab


Quote from: Yeyinde
VX->XP Conversion Fund

For those who really want this script in XP, please contribute to the $30 fund.
Funds: $0/30

An XP version would be nice though.


Quote from: Zeriab on October 04, 2008, 08:10:30 AM
Welcome here Yeyinde and nice script again ^_^
I thought you didn't do an XP version because people nagged you too much. I didn't realize it was an excuse xD

Great work
- Zeriab
Naa.  It would have required the SDK to implement this script properly, but something this nice shouldn't need any external support to run :P

Quote from: Arbiter on October 04, 2008, 02:34:26 PM
Quote from: Yeyinde
VX->XP Conversion Fund

For those who really want this script in XP, please contribute to the $30 fund.
Funds: $0/30

An XP version would be nice though.
.org quotes need not apply here.


I can understand that XD

miget man12

I don't understand how to make patches with scripts... help please...?
[spoiler=My Scripts]Simple Footsteps Script
More-That-Usually Graphical Title Screen
Background Messages
Simple To Use Fogs
[/spoiler][spoiler=BIG]A mini-biography-ish thing of meI am learning to script with Ruby/RGSS2, I think I'm getting pretty good at it :)
Oh yeah, and I know Latin, that count's for something, doesn't it?
This is amazing, can you raed it?
QuoteOlny 55% of plepoe can raed this.
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! Spelling is important!! :D
fi yuo cna raed tihs, palce it in yuor siantugre.
The Best Ruby Guide I've Found: Why's (poignant) guide to ruby


its a great idea, but when I call the script, I get a lot of errors in others scripts!

Black Olrac

how do you get it sofarthe scripts are also updated in the patch file?


Fix your link please i get page loader error


this patching script has a lot of potential but I can't seem to get it to work properly.

First I tried to patch some scripts however the scripts don't appear in the patcher.

Second I tried to patch a music file, a file appeared in the game folder which said patch(numbers) - forgot what it said

I copied it to a copy of my game to see if I could patch it...nothing happened.

Help please!

Instructions would be nice


hey... theres an error

Script 'Game_Map' Line 223: NoMethodError Occured.
undefined method 'data' for nil:nilclass when i press ESC on the patch screen. all i do is add the scene method that calls the patcher in the main menu before selecting new game of continue or something else... is that appropriate?

sorry nevermind... i got fixed it all by myself. its not good to do that. but how to make the patch work? i mean i already made the patch file... so is there some sort of patching process before starting a game when the patch is done? i mean like those patch the Online RPGs have?


Quote from: miget man12 on October 16, 2008, 02:26:27 PM
I don't understand how to make patches with scripts... help please...?



please mods dont mark this as necropost i really need to post this... so here it is... i used this script but there is a bug... using >>Graphics i cant seem to patch graphics and image and what not... now when i tried encrypting a test game with your patching system it comes with no graphics...


There are two problems I have found with this script. The first is easy enough to fix.
Quote from: Yeyinde on October 02, 2008, 03:14:24 AMInsert the following .txt file into a new script section directly above "Main" and below any custom script entries.
There seems to be compatibility issues with SwapXT. It seems this script needs to be placed ABOVE the SwapXT one(s), otherwise the tiles will not change.

I have not figured out how to fix the second problem, however. If I have this script in my game, sound effects only play for perhaps a quarter of a second before suddenly cutting off. I really want to use this script but I can't have sound effects that are broken because of it. Is there a way to fix this issue?


How does one get the $20 across?


This link is dead. Does anyone have the script lying around?